
The fear of Love

The ‘fear of God’ isn't really fear of God - but is the fear that becomes visible as it is undone by an unobstructed welcome to Light.

The presence-ing of God - is all there is - as all of this - right where you are.

Not God presence-ing to you - or for you.

Any attempt to interpret such direct and present awareness via the identity and perspective of limited mind will induce terror and trigger defence in re-enactment of the separation wish. This should hardly be surprising to one who has awoken to the law of mind - that the effect is an extension or projection of cause - and does not leave it in nature or content.

The mind of separation has to be seen to be passed by. Only Awakened vision can see it.
This is Already Given you as: Guide, Holy Spirit, Teacher. These seem to be agencies of a Light you are willing to remember, even though you know this means fear must be faced and passed through instead of hidden.
In experience it could be said to be ‘passed through’, yet it is not that ‘you as you identify fearfully’, who passes through.
The fear is dissolved in Light by willingness to abide in faith of love, peace and truth - as your own Root Cause, despite any suggestion or temptation to engage fear as guide and protector.

This faith does not invest in the faithlessness of engaging private self interest - but in the undoing of faithlessness - and so is empty of all else but receptive trust.
It is the welcome to Light.
And Light knows itself and all as Light and offers its interpretation in replacement and healing of the mind that ‘thought it thought alone’ and thus ‘stole’ its life from God.

The Light stirs within as a movement through you at a depth and subtlety you are accustomed to disregard by habit of defence.
Yet as your desire for truth grows, you will make a pathway of willingness to such ‘stirrings’, that will cut off the mind of conflicted perception from automatic employment and you can choose anew. And as Light grows, the fear of love diminishes, vision is restored.

Heaven is here and now - before a judgement does, and can be neither earned nor achieved. But to recognise this as our birthright, the Light must be given welcome, in correction and replacement of the image and idea that you had mistook as your self.

Every instant of love's willingness is maximal. You not only can do no more but must not attempt to do more - or you will reassert the very ‘mind’ that blinds you to your truth and light.

To be in and of and as Light - is the original fullness and flow of Being - empty of illusory self assertion or control from a partial perspective. Not a crowning of man - but the Christing of Man and World as one.  From 'would-be controller as a separate will', to active service in Sonship, sharing one will.

The recognition of truth is of a wholly present awareness.
To seek to use it, or control it, is but to choose self-illusion as your source.
Your demonstration is teaching you, and you are always free to choose what you value - and share it.
To be aligned with that which can be truly shared is to be of one mind.
Others may stir from the resonance with your witness by their own freedom realised.

But to the Christed mind - there cannot be self or other - except as a language to which one accommodates, in order to grow and restore a channel of  trust.