
Perception, vision and knowledge

Does our perception set out in search of gathering data - for the purpose of maintaining and extending my self - protective control?
Do I look at the form of your appearance and seek out all of the aspects of that perception which seem to more than justify my withholding of love?
In fact is my perception of your body my sense of you in imperfection and lovelessness?
Do I see on you the judgement that is already active but suppressed in my own mind - about myself?
And do I need to keep such a judgement pointing clearly away from me because it speaks of such an intolerable sense of un-loveliness. So that it seems - just below the surface - is the ugliness of mortal creature - a bestial or monstrous human creature that actually looks like some kind of alien?
For is not the focus on the body, the death of God?
And is not reality the diminishing realm of finding and joining with the special moments and aspects of the world that I can use to hide from the intolerable, and make a continuity for myself that is part love and part hate - so as to be saved from madness and oblivion - at least for a while longer?

All these things speak of a mind that believes the body is its home.

And looks not with or from love's vision - but on bodies as if they are separated embodied different minds.
For this IS the intent held in the mind of the perceiver; to fragment their own mind and become casting director of the parts - who are now seen externally embodied - relative to the central role. 'Myself'.

Such a mentality is debilitating. It can only be flimsily engaged as an overlay upon the natural awareness. Yet it creates an illusion of density and solidity to the notion of independent existence. Even though it is frail, always threatened and constantly in need of maintainance and support. While IT seems to be your life, you will feel likewise limited to a temporary grip upon form whose initial brightness fades to leave an aging and withering form.

Yet is the spark always is present that is the light of truth. It can be covered over - but cannot be extinguished.
It is invisible to the eye that seeks only to set its own meanings on form - yet is the light of awareness that rises as a shared sense of life - of itself.

To look upon the seeming loveless - and then refuse it - not in hiding from it in fear - but to lift vision beyond its dictate - is to rest the mind. To a rested mind, truth rises and spontaneously restores the perceiving mind to its unified function and nature.

To look out in the blessing of love's unity is to seek and find all the witnesses to the truth. It is not stopped by judgement nor stoppered into 'old bottles'. It is the extension of inclusion - yet it is effortless - because it is the Movement of life.

Initially it will be glimpsed and then lost to the mind that then tries to grasp. From a perspective of thought in love's failure it may seem to be unreal and delusory. But the heart is not arrived at by deduction and analysis - but is only known in giving and receiving - as one.

To become free of the insane attempt to make fantasy real, is to release the body of being an end in itself and allow communication to be restored to it fullness. In this the body - or mind equated with body - initiates nothing. It is gently put aside as the willingness to embrace communication is recognized as love's truth, revealing.

But not a love between separate parts that attempts to placate, soothe and console the mind in exile.
Rather - love's nature expressing in which separate parts are meaningless.

To such a love - that sees itself in all - there is the freedom to be all that it is.
The attributes of love shine forth and are beheld.
I may say "I love you" but it is the energetic spilling over that speaks its own name. There is no I or you projected out in fragmented figment. The I of we is the touch of one - wordless and carrying all that is it within itself whole.

The above is what I wrote.
What I thought I was to write was how radiant you are - somehow eternally bright with youth - now like a child, now as a deep wisdom. Indefinable and yet altogether lovely.

To accept the atonement for yourself is to accept the love that undoes the fear driven factory of forms to which the mind clings as if it could yet fulfill any desire that you still hold dear.
The fear associated with 'losing control' is a 'territory' to revisit with love's guidance.
With The Spirit's companionship we can look unafraid upon what once was the cause of terror - and dismiss it. Pass it by unanswered and unasked. It doesn't matter that it takes time to grow trust - for this is to have repurposed time to serve love.

To look in the mirror - without engaging the mind of judgement - is part of a willingness to live FROM and within a presence without compare.

The desire for love's inclusive salvation or for peace of truth - is the same. It is the RELEASE of the intent to save oneself for oneself. As such it cannot be the desire for eternal youth - but the symbol of eternal youth can serve to reawaken true desire - for the good , the beautiful and the true, are innate qualities of a prior unity of being whose memory is not entirely forgotten.
The mistake is to seek it in the world - from the mindset of the orphaned consciousness.
The body is the seeming betrayer only because it is used for an impossible task.
All of the senses will serve the extension of love as their root is released to its source. But such vision will not stop or be limited to forms definition - but rather extends to the light that is both before and beyond perception. That is where perceiving is replaced by knowing. Yet in such knowing there is no self having an experience. This cannot be communicated as information - but love can always be shared and contains within it - all that it is.