We think we are in a body that is in space, but we are identifying with the results of a movement of attention in Mind.
To let love be the Mover is to release the identification with the idea of doership. Doership fixes the mind to the body as the 'driver' of the body that then 'acts independently'. The desires of doership are the desires to become a something in one's own right. This is always a 'densification and defeat experience' because it is untrue and impossible.
But the Movement of desire that is gifted you is inherent in your creation - as of your very being.
This desire is unseparate from its fulfilment. To accept the goal is also to accept the means - which are likewise given you.
In the world's thinking this is impossible, in God it is already accomplished. Accepting truth calls for the releasing of false limitations.
My personal sense of 'out of space-time' experience is that it is safe only in love's peace.
And that the stability and constancy of such a peace depends on our responsibility to not miscreate.
As a human I carry a fallen angel, and the memory of burned wings is written in a density of denial called the human condition.
To reclaim the greater participation of the 'levels' that seemed as if shut down by inappropriate and exploitative acts of will, is only desirable in terms of "Father, Thy Will be done through me". In such a Movement of calling and desire, it is simply necessary that I do not hide or fall back from the willingness just because something is humanly impossible. It is my part to stay with - and trust the movement that is discerned truth. The rest is Given.
I know that sometimes miracles occur that are like a preview. Temporarily one is lifted to a higher state of responsibility and discernment than was imaginable. There is scarcely the capacity to recall or hold or think about such experience because it is unseparate. But it's revelation serves to confirm and encourage the willingness to accept responsibility for blocks rather than to see them as the reality of a life that one suffers. No matter what.
The innocence of perfect trust calls on the power of love.
The body - or the world's body - does not limit unless you give it that function - and then you get what you want even though it is not true.
The experience of being in a private mind is the outcome of using the body as a defence against Mind.
While this is experienced as the world, it is invisible to you no matter what is said or shown.
Yet to shift to align with awakened Purpose uses the body as a means of communication only.
We think of communication in terms of forms, data, words, information - but it is love.
To allow love is to erase the fences of independent self control.
To be defenceless is to be intimately flowing without self-conscious intervention. Trust.
The miracle impulse can pop up clearly obvious in a mind that thinketh not - but is hard to discern amidst the chaos of a mind in its own noise.
As long as we believe the life we are Given is a sacrifice of the life we still think we can get for ourselves - we will defend our right to suffer and starve ourselves of love. Such a desperate struggle for such a little - amidst the Allness of God! Seek therefore God, and be found, and all things shall be restored you.
The 'cost' of receiving is giving. How much are you willing to receive?
Yet the cost of getting is losing - even what you seem to have grasped.
Don't let fear think for you. That is the withholding of your mind.
Give your mind, by not withholding it - for God is already the Giving.
I Thank you for your trust in the movement of your attention.
in Gratitude