
The Simplicity of Being.

What if everything were perfectly unfolding the awakening of love to its truth and nature – exactly as this life – but unrecognized?
What if everything that occurs is perfectly designed as an expression of Love to Love - awaiting recognition?
What if the only difference between the life in fear and hiding and the life of love sharing is acceptance of all as it simply is?

For who can hide within the acceptance of love?

Who can want to hide from out of the acceptance of love?

Non acceptance of love seems to be possible only because I asked love to wait.
By keeping a part of it I hid all of it.
Love waits where it is – while I play the drama of hiding.
In hiding, I am as a child with hands over my eyes – convinced that I cannot be seen.
But it is my own truth I hide from me – so I need but my own belief in hiding to make the desire.
Why would I choose this?
Because it was absolutely safe in the freedom of my being to choose to explore such thought.
There is no way thought can limit or define or oppose the Light in which all is as it is.
And no way to get truly lost – though the thought of lost-ness can be experienced to extremity.

Thoughts that are made from a place of hiding – witness and work to maintain the illusion.
Illusion is not a 'two dollar bill' – but works as substitution of appearance for the real.
Seeing the light in light, does not require anything to change except desire
In the light of Presence – thoughts of endarkenment do not serve my desire.
They may seem to want me to fight them.
But this is simply the residual desire to play alone in the dark.
The love of God in my heart is one with God.
Swimming in the pool is not different in principle from swimming in the ocean.

Discovering the support of my being in trust is not a way to survive more successfully in the dark.
The Light of my being is not the assurance that the divine will support 'my life in the world'.
To  attempt these is to dam the flow of awakening and to demand a greater alarm call.
For it simply answers my heart's call.
Awakening to the Real world – in which the light of Reality is accepted.
Peace becomes the nature of I, in knowing this heart's desire, in welcome – un hidden.

The light will bless – for such is the nature of light.
But it is this heart that is being homed – by abiding in the simplicity of being.