In another writing I posited:
Q: What does it take to awaken heart and mind to its own truth and trust?
A: Whatever it takes.
I later read it and had a feeling to change this to
Q: What does it take to awaken heart and mind to its own truth and trust?
A: A: Whatever it takes for the Holy Spirit to get and keep your attention?
In part I felt this because I do not feel to suggest that calamitous and negative experience is required or necessarily associated with awakening. Nor is ANY process of punishment involved as a result of neglecting to give priority to truth - apart from the self induced experience of truth forgetting - that fantasy inherently involves.
But also because I wanted to point to a relationship that opens the scene from a 'someone' in a supposed process of awakening - into the relational Condition that underlies and actually constitutes awakening.
Thoughts may come in and seem to cause you to 'lose it' - but relationship with Holy Spirit is the allowing of the Perspective that shows my thoughts to me from beyond the mind that believes them as definitions of life as it really is.
See the power of thoughts to define and ‘create’ experience of limitation.
Then release the fascination with wielding power to let the Light be itself.