
Where is the light?

Isn't it true that love can only enter where love is welcome.
Where it is unwelcome love ‘waits’ on a change of heart.

To attempt to enter into any split mind scenario to heal it, without awakened guidance, is to choose the split mind experience for oneself - of mind in opposition with itself.

No matter what insight or what energetic influence can be brought to bear, the ego sense of opposition and defence can turn all things to its own self validation - and when it cannot - it 'dies' - which is like saying it engages an almost total denial yet remaining active in seed desire.

Yet look at conflict another way. I give out the roles and infer the intentions of all parties, and they enact out the script I set. As long as I want my will to be done, I will defend and be defined by this activity and intent. Yet as soon as I am touched by Truth's remembrance - I have a basis upon which I can question - ALL OF THIS.

And as I let Truth be itself - I can experience love - as it is.

I can be shown that the roles and intentions are in my mind - and that my experience is as I have asked. In realising that I receive as I ask, I can ask instead for Truth. This is to say, I can cease to ask for a private creation - serving a ficticious will.

And as I allow this, I can discover the veil wearing thin, and begin to see beyond the surfaces and forms in which dreams are made, to Light eternal.

Yet it is the eternal who sends the messenger of translation of dreams into awakening. and it is the eternal who awakens to its own being and nature. There really isn't anyone here in terms that self will could understand - and yet Mind is awareness without limit or opposition. That's why its pointless to engage the means of separation as a tool to understand non separation or oneness.

Human abilities can be repurposed towards the restoration of aligned will. Heart felt service is the release of the giver from hell - not as a reward bought or as guilt paid off - but simply that hell is the forgetting to love.

It may be that my willingness to let love live through me also transforms others - how could it not communicate?

Yet not in terms of any of my own agendas or even in the ways I might expect. So my motivation is not about transforming others - or the world - it is about releasing my investment in hell. It is active willingness to only validate real currency of thought and to release the mind of judgement.

This puts me at odds with my past - and with my experience as the past defines it - and yet is the living love of truth living in my heart.

I cannot really protect this body nor can I protect the earth - but I can learn to let both serve communication - ie - become transparent to Creation. In this I can realize that Creation holds me safe inclusion, not the body - in exclusive and separate identity.

The transition from body to spirit based identity is the work of love - not of man. It is unwise to open beyond the guidance of the heart in willingness - or the experience will be traumatic instead of beautific.

For the experience of Creation 'enjoyed' by ego consciousness is traumatic and opening beyond an integrated capacity to remain grounded will suddenly meet the reenactment of the separation - or the fall from Light into terror.

The guidance of the light is the way that light restores its own - and any attempt to find a different way is to insist on being different from light.

Where is the light?

Right where you denied yourself.

Where is the light?

Right where you thought the world denied you.

Where is the light?

In the recognition that your 'enemy' is your self denied.

Where is the light?

In the embrace of your self without judgement.

In this Presence, none can oppose, nor stand outside.

This is the Christ and is the light that the heart embodies in faithfulness to its Source.

You are reading this because your desire leads you.

In your love of truth you will be led truly.

In love of illusion, you put truth on hold so that illusion can seem to be what you desire.

In truth there is no battle - but only a growing recognition that illusions battle with themselves.

In illusion, conflict creates crisis of choice.

In truth there is only the choice to awaken.

In illusion there is the choice to be a chooser among options that you have to decide - all of which are but ways to better maintain illusion.

In truth, all of this has never begun - is not occurring and will never be.

But truth has nothing to do with what we think it is or what we think about it.

Truth’s nature is eternal all pervading radiance.

But let that begin to find your welcome in your appreciation of another's smile, a sky, a flower, the sound of shared voices, a stillness beneath form - yet reaching you - through the blessing that Light gives as your guide, your holy spirit. Your own Right Mind.