
There is a quiet within all things that knows and is the Light

Be still - and know that I am God.

To think about these words is not to be still, for thinking outside of stillness is the refusal of love.
The undoing of all that fear and guilt seem to have made real in you - by your judgement - is given you in My restatement of your Inclusion - behold My Holy Spirit.

To be still is to be and do nothing on your own - of your own power. That Life and Light move directly within.
To be still is to let live, taking no thought for your self and keeping it secret and apart.
There is not life on your own and you are not made by your own power - except in delusional fantasy played out and made flesh by your own belief. Your mind remains active, but your attention is locked into a loop of unfulfilment.

In place of this is given you Life.

There is a quiet within all things that knows and is the Light.
This is eternally true - regardless of the rising and passing of thoughts, perceptions and experience.
The eternal does nothing to be itself and has no reaction to a world of dream made upon a mind in secret.
Yet it remains the truth of you - with you - for you - at all times.
While you play out the wish and the role of a restless separated mind in a temporary body, differentiated from all things, and enamoured of its reflections, your stillness speaks always of truth to YOU in truth.
If you cannot hear Me it is because you choose your own imagined will over your truth.
Choosing to be self-blinded in hope of seeing differently

The truth of you is in your heart.
I am the Voice for your heart - not in the words here - but in the stillness of you.
I will not to be denied. This is your discontent in dreaming.
For My Will is not stolen or diminished or conflicted. But is One.
And you are my Will at rest.
And you are my own knowing.
Know Thyself.
Be still amidst all things.
Gratitude rises Our love.