I have a sense of a script running beneath our lives having certain themes that are part of the focus of this particular lifetime experience. And that before any of these events occur in our life – they are already latent at an archetypal level of our consciousness.
Whether this is seen as tragedy or comedy depends on our perspective. But within the script is generally tragedy - with comedy being the fruit of an overview that can identify, yet remain free of the roles and drama played out.
To identify fully with the human drama we have to feel totally justified in judging against.
The way out of the identification with the human drama is to love truth more than to love judgement – at just such times as when the urge to judge is strongest. For judgement usurps truth by making its own.
Whatever roles are played out – they are the roles of a split mind in denial – until of course we can let Spirit use the roles - (that are in our own mind and not ‘out there’) - to heal the split.
I know it doesn't seem that way – it seems we really are the one we think we are – suffering or sometimes winning – in the world ‘as we call it’.
And our wounds are the proof of our legitimacy as validating the ‘world as we call it’.
Which is a way to lessen, mitigate, or cover over, the guilt that arises from wanting and using judgement. How so? – by putting it out on the world – on those who enact the hidden facets of our mind for us - (in the world as we call it).
The voice for self protection is the call to fight to maintain this strategy because it has been the way the mind has attempted to resolve its own dilemna from a perspective of ignorance as to its own Nature and Source.
The voice for peace is the call to listen anew - from the awakened presence of being - which is usually weak amidst the self certainties that have grown from struggle.
"Come Home" is a call to an already peace – an anyway peace that doesn't sort out or resolve anything about the past in terms of the past – and so allows you to live out of a connected nowness that has no agenda of justice or revenge or proving anything to anyone. Being Home is a way of flowing in a current sense of a clear and clean now.
And to have release you simply give it. To give it is to have it.
It seems like you don't get it back when the world trips you (or me) up in disappointment, abandonment or betrayal.
But that is the feedback by which we waken to realize we are reenacting the old ideas and experiences again.
It is not for us to dictate the role that others must fulfil for us to keep our fantasies intact. To attempt to use others for private ends is to lose the blessing of their light.
Our Spirit can guide us so as to be protected from calamities. This is a way of getting our attention.
Once we are 'onboard' the Spirit can then guide us through calamities to show a deeper truth of safety.
And from there can it undo the very experience of calamity while it is seemingly going on.
Our part is to keep the channel open so that the Awakened Mind can use and work through our willingness and capacity to receive. This might be to struggle mightily to find even a little willingness amidst great temptation to feel justifiably judgemental. Or it might be so calm and clear and gentle, that it is obviously very Self.
Though we can feel we are prayerful when we ask to have something fearful or painful removed from our experience – there is often quite a payload of demand involved – seeking to dictate terms or make bargain on some level that is hidden amidst our seemingly innocent victimhood.
But if we see this – we can be guided as to then releasing it.
Truth is the restoration of a calm acceptance because it needs make no demand in order to be itself.
What if all you asked for is already given answer – and all you have to do is accept it - and live from the answer?