If even a trace of guilt is given welcome - or assumed real of me - then I (must) look out on a world that limits and see the taint of sin in whatever I write or whatever I read. For such is the effect of using the lens of judgement instead of listening in the heart.
Because this is so paralysing and obstructive of life's creative flow and function, the I-sense exerts itself in any and every attempt to mitigate and offset pain of guilt by glossing over with denial and engaging distraction - so as to play the game of life amidst a condition which seemingly opposes life.
To at least to snatch the crumbs of life in fleeting moments from the awfulness of a mean and hateful mind that the I-sense is seeking to escape, overcome or improve - but not let go.
All the force of such attempt wears 'me out' and blocks even further, the grace of the true function of life of which I have lost any direct sense due to becoming so entangled in my own thoughts made flesh.
(Hmmmmmmmmmm.... that's not what I thought I was going to write ;-)
Words have been used as the extension of definition. As if definition determines truth. But it is the movement of desire or intent that would fix or freeze life - by grasping or possession. The very concept of possession at the level of mind is a nonsense excepting that to have is to be. But once a sense of self in image and thought is accepted as if it were in fact Me - then through that self-thought can I seem to add things to myself or have them taken away.
At that level of illusion - when first embracing what seems to be the possibillities and potentialities of orphanhood (seperate self-becominghood) there is a sense of being as a god in divine play. Dressing up in the mirror and enjoying the imaginative 'life' that extends from the image in this light - or in that light.
How does a narcissistic game of no consequence become the terrible affliction of guilt?
Well it never truly can - excepting - while persisting to look in the mirror and 'enjoy' the imaginative 'life' that extends from the image in this light - or in that light.
These words are offered in attempt to sketch out so that the act can be seen for what it is. Not an act of play within the mirror - but an act of desiring to see and maintain oneself in image and story.
For while such desire is active and unseen, attention is limited to or distorted by the images in the mirror. These definitions that, in one way or another, give witness to the existence of a 'me' as a separately existing personality in a body - rather than as the direct expression of Life's Movement to know Itself through its extension.
There is a turnabout that arises spontaneously from the seeing of self illusion just as it is.
It may experienced as pure Grace. The uncovering of Divinity - of the only Life.
This out of time awakening is not allowed while attention and desire are actively engaged in reaction - as something to possess or rid oneself of.
But it can rise through the willingness to see such a script for what it is - while it is in play - and always undoes it of an environment in which to seem to be.
When Hercules had to clean out the shit from the stables - he opened a way that the divine river flowed through them. At first - if one had stopped to report - one could have said that - worse than shit - was a river of shit. And that is why it is unwise to use externals a progress report. For fear has to be released to the flow and function of life - of a divine flow that Is - otherwise it remains a point of reference from which one says stop! and belives one is the power to limit life.
Allowing the flow is growing a relationship with the truth in you that knows the flow - AND also knows the exact nature of the entanglement by which attention has become trapped within self definition and made real to itself.
Under self direction, I cannot actually know true function - though I may think I do when things go my way. But that is a house of cards. In not using self direction, a deeper knowing guides all. How do I know I am not deluding myself?
This is in some sense irrelevant to the act of awakened willingness - because in the flow - in the trust - in the light of allowing - even the scripts of self delusion become useful to the re-awakening of being to its wholeness - instead of serving as ammunition for the prosecution or damning evidence to the judge.
When resistance is felt - stuck - paralysis - fear - there is still flow. There is always flow, for life is Life.
To let into flow is to be with what is - as it is - and not as it is defined and not from a desire or presumption of a power to define it.
An unjudgemental atmospheric is absolutely essential to knowing and sharing life as Life.
Words and concepts have a long history of squelching the feeling being - because that has been the intent behind them.
Put this behind you - and release the forms associated with it - and let them find new life in a dance that speaks of your freedom to be - all that you are.
The dream of a life calls from without and keeps you focussed on the outer.
The Life that is your Intimate truth Moves from within and calls you awake as being-within-the-Movement.
If you are still holding onto the words - as if there is something that must be understood BEFORE trust is extended and fear released, then I ask you - What can possibly be understood from a mind already made up or fixed on its own thought?
The fixation of the mind on God is not the work of the human will, but is the grace of the desire of love to be all that it is and know all that it is, in all that it is.