Recently I heard Raj say that what we need is not courage but peace.
For peace is the absence of anxiety.
So in willingness and acceptance of peace I can take this step.
Though the mind seems to see other steps before and other steps to come, I am only actually living this step. And though I walk through the shadow of the valley of death I will fear no evil - for the Lord is with me.
Instead of being a magical wish, willingness lets this psalm be established fact.
One of the most 'shouted' and clear guidances I have had is - "Dont think!"
Coming from the heart of hearts it was no kind of imposition upon me - but a clear direction to trust.
Its a bit like a situation high up where looking down makes you start to fall - because it is the movement of the desire to fall that then activates the whole shebang of defence.
So just don't 'go there'.
Go in peace and you will know what to say and when or whether to say it - take no thought for yourself and all will be well.
To do so may sometimes induce an extreme purification - but dwell not on the externals. Attend the Living!
The guiltlessness we need is from the appreciation of our brother and sister WITHOUT our overlay of role and definition.
Any guilt seen in another is the dissonance remaining unrecognized in your own heart and mind - to which the world can now help you recognise truly as serving your call to wake.
To love your 'enemy' is to discover he is your enemy no more.
There is no holier spot on earth than where an ancient hatred becomes a present love.