
Infinite And Individual

Reality is not immortal
by Jon Rappoport

My comment to Jon's article on the power of Individual imagination:

Presuming to judge 99.999% of spiritual 'systems' (oxymoron warning!) - or in fact presuming to judge another - is a use of the imagination for the purpose of asserting a 'rightness' over and against a 'wrongness'.

Why not use Imagination to communicate without resort to ascribing the bad, ignorant or evil to 'Others or Them? Why not uncover and address the underlying beliefs and use story to illuminate how the ruse works in each 'mind' subscriber.

The stories enacted as our world are narrative realities and if you experience your part of such - then it is valid for you to learn and grow through - including the recognition that self-definitions and supporting narrative operate your current 'reality' perspective - and so uncovering these opens the true power to choose or focus from a wider perspective than the triggered or conditioned reactions to such 'reality experience' dictate.

There is no need to DIS anything that is ultimately PART OF your greater Imagination and therefore YOU. In fact the attempt to eradicate or get rid of unwanted self is the way to recycle and KEEP it. That is why J said 'resist ye not evil' - for what you resist persists in manifesting within your reality experience. But what you 'put or leave behind you' as a result of focussing wholly in what you both WANT and recognize within yourself is left unused - excepting insofar as it served to set up a scope or spectrum of experience within which to awaken at a perspective both infinite and individual - both - and at once.

There is no individual outside and apart from the infinite - but only an idea of autonomous personality - which is confusing the brush with the Painter.
In alignment with awakened joy we are 'on purpose' and 'get out of our own way' so as to let into and channel or facilitate the embodiment of truly Felt Self - rather than the filtering distortions of a self-assertive 'getting' mechanism.

Though I have some critical commentary to the way Jon frames some of his ideas - I celebrate THAT these areas are brought into the open where we can reflect, recognize and reintegrate from a true foundation - that can only be uncovered. It cannot merely be asserted or believed or bought or sold into slavery.