
Open hell and discover hell-o!

If concept-ion based perception is your will, you must believe that you alone are a doer, that you alone are a power - and that you are alone.

So in the ego life there is the linear story or commentary that 'sees' clocking in, climbing stairs, parking the car, putting trash in the can, as if they were mechanical processes in a mechanical world. It doesn't really see - because it believes it already knows - and that there is nothing of value to be seen except in its ‘special loves’ - or to be avoided in its ‘special hates’. It is intent on getting something done or getting to a destination of some other moment, some other place - but 666 - never a seventh day rest in which to behold the Glory and the Good that is the music, poetry and art of being. Hell is a walled off state of exclusion. A frozen heart under a tormented mind.

Open hell and discover hell-o!

Life is not dead mechanism.

You do not have to look to the dead thought (concept-idol) for meaning.

You are moved by the grace and flow of being - and can know this - in any instant where you recognise the Spirit instead of focussing on the forms and the meanings you have endowed them.

For many years I have signed my cheques 'gladly' where conventionally folks write 'only'.  Good money is God money - because in its exchange God is acknowledged and remembered.

Possession possesses. Giving gifts. Receiving honours. Getting loses.

As a musician and dancer, I am aware of how dead are most humans to their body as an instrument of love's expression. How the truth is replaced with mechanical productions and hyped presentations that take the forms of Life's expression and use them to kill the Life - and so 'have' the dark in which to hide and seek for dark 'pleasures'- that are but pain disguised in false promises.

Death is not the transitional refocussing of attention whereby the body is released of an impossible burden. It is the thing we humanly tend to call life - and defend against Life by dying to unconsciousness. Desiring to Not Know - by asserting our will - our desire - to make reality serve our self-god.

T 31 F 5. You who believe that you can choose to see the Son of God
as you would have him be, forget not that no CONCEPT of yourself
will stand against the truth of what you are. (A Course in Miracles)

Nothing real is threatened.

Nothing unreal exists

In gratitude for your company
