When thoughts and images associated with past and future are not invited or used to impose meanings upon the now, the experience becomes more self aware - as a flowing of parts within a whole.
We 'come from' or are the Flow of now and yet we are mentally programmed to run as if we come from yesterday.
Separation from the now is like 'separation from God' - in that one can be distracted from awareness That Now Is and believe and act as if now were not here - but one cannot actually make it so.
Likewise our being arises in and expresses the All-ness of God but we are humanly programmed to run as if we are somehow arising inside a physicality that itself expresses a loveless mechanism.
Our minds have wandered into miscreation such as to be blocked with making the self image and its story the centre of attention. Yet our Spirit calls us Present from within us and yet beyond the scope of our concepts and definitions. This is already happening and can be noticed and joined with. Which is becoming present as feeling awareness rather than defining a past present and future from an imagined mental objectivity.
The climbing example in the last post is a simple example of where the 'need to know' - held as desire - without letting fear or carelessness intrude - invites the Intelligence of the Guide to work through.
We may not be able to investigate such events when they are happening because it is an act of 'getting out the way'. Yet in such a 'flowing now' we are aware of feeling for the routes or the words or the steps to take - and do feel for a channel or equilibrium of mind such that the signal is not lost! - Because it Is our desire in action.