I inadvertently choose to experience as if separately every time I allow the mind to wander in loveless paths.
I become lost to my own heart’s light in my preoccupation with a will by which darkness seems to obscure light.
Loveless paths are only a way of thinking that isn't true – there is not such a path nor one compelled to walk it, only a currency of exchange that is created by what I give and receive.
But lovelessness cannot be received in truth for there is none in Truth.
What then is the stranger that seems to intrude upon our hope of peace? What then the pass by which we come to the end of our capacity to prevail?
It is the touch and whisper of love yet veiled by the veil of distortion – for the awakening of the heart of you to your light.
Yet to the will that lives in the dark must it seem the stripping away of all that it believes gives it strength and safety.
To be amidst the world and release its value from your grasp so that the heart is freed from the conclusions and definitions of the mind is to lay aside thought and listen anew.
What is here at first may be seen only as the absence of what I have become accustomed to – and such a void can be prone to fearful thought.
Yet even as eyes become attuned to a sudden change after a period of adjustment – so too to the discernments of light return to the mind that releases darkness.
The companionship of light is not other to what I am – and yet is not mine to control.
I am not mine to control.
Very God is not for God to control.
Following a thought to know all by myself – brought me to be as if myself alone.
To know I am not alone restores me to love’s knowing – always given and received in perfect trust.
The refusal of the experience of aloneness is the direct embrace of uncensored experience now.
Before judgement comes into play.
Only thus will the gift of love flow through the laying aside of my story.
By the reception of this gift will I recognise, beyond doubt, that I have received as has been given through me. In gratitude and love will the Source of love be known by love – as love - in love. When all things are spoken thus – I must be silent.
I inadvertently choose
feeling emotion freedom,
mindfulness awareness,