Guidance and delusion
1. Honesty and self trust are one – they are part of each other.
While we are ok with our minds using ‘self validating presentations’ that are dishonest – we confuse our mind as to who and what anything is.
We muddy our own stream and teach this as a ‘way to live’ to ourselves and others.
2. Why would I want to delude myself?
Because I have not yet fully accepted the love-less-ness in my mind for what it really is - and I fear it – calling forth and finding distraction and diversion to avoid looking at what I yet fear to see.
3. Why would I open to guidance from beyond my own control?
Because my own control has brought me to a dead end, an unfulfillment, joyless suffering, meaninglessness or an insanity of realities in which I cannot cope or find ground and so I do not want it.
And because on every occasion where I have found my willingness and accepted the way to let a greater life in – it has not condemned me – but has renewed and awakened the heart in ways that have also been helpful to me and joined me with others and life itself.
4. What if it was the devil or my own delusion speaking to me?
This is already an ongoing habit in terms of 2. But we have made a ‘culture’ of it and in many ways such activity has become invisible by mutual consent.
But it is also easy to see that fear mounts on fear and feeds itself.
So to make relationship with fear when it is felt or recognised in any form – is to undo the self perpetuating feedback by which the mind can seem to trap itself.
To acknowledge that fear is felt – and pause - is a step beyond being immediately programmed by it.
That I notice fear and pause is a working step from which another will come that leads to discovery of.
But what fear tells me I am is a means by which I keep from knowing truth presently.
The desire for power over or against, is not associated with the fruits of sanity, love and joy – but is a mistaken intent arising from a sense of lack.
The attempt and intent to use anything and everything for the triumph of self will over opposition is the lovelessness that we fear to see within.
Yet to see it as it is,
is to see it without the voice that tells you ‘this is you’.
And will see through to the judgement beneath it, by which an identification with limitation and lack arises.
Such is the Gift of our Holy Spirit.
But you must love the truth with all your heart.
For it is also the Gift of your Holy Spirit to reveal that you are such a love.
And accepting this is your release.
I can see my human life as many moments of such acceptance – surfacing through great or small resistance.
And yet such a life revealed is a joined life – a shared life – in which the capacity to discern and accept love grows as the desire for self determined experience diminishes.