
Thoughts that arose upon considering ‘guidance’

The whole deal is that communion becomes your ongoing realisation and experience and expression.
If there is still something you want to manage all by yourself then that is what will maintain the sense of ‘all by yourself’.

So guidance is an expression of trust – of innate intelligence. If you read the single quiet thoughts about the guiding force and the driving force – I feel they say something very succinctly that is at the very heart of our being.

A secret heart must abide in the dark to maintain its seeming – an open heart looks always to the light to discover it’s source and meaning.

There’s no need to get hung up on terms like guidance because the way the guiding heart moves in us each is different at different times – and it – guidance – has no ‘self’ that requires being outwardly validated by our names for it.

It need not be surprising that ego expresses itself through every and any kind of spiritual concept – but it doesn't really matter what other people say or do about their guidance or lack of it – but that I receive them through mine. Then I find I have trust that, whatever appears to be going on – I can connect with them as being at the threshold. We are always at the threshold but we often find we have been caught in the traces of a past that isn't here.

To the separate self sense – guidance will tend to be cast as a separate special thing – even though it’s living moment it is your heart’s knowing Itself.
Many have likened it to a guardian angel – an ever-present Friend, God’s Voice, Jesus, The Holy Spirit – or they keep quiet about it and yet learn to trust it implicitly as an inner knowing they can trust.

We usually think God is going to fit our idea of what we are and what the world needs. We think guidance is an extension to our capacity to function in the world as we believe it to be.
But that’s only while we grow the courage to realise and begin to embrace that we had it the wrong way around.

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The belief that there is ‘something we have to do’ seems almost unchallengeable in the mind of the one who knows not what he does.
And this can equally express as ‘the sin we must not make!” - or else!

The belief in guilt fear and punishment is everywhere to be seen – until ... it is no longer validated, joined with, or used as a system by which to ‘play the game and come out on top’.

The possibility that I can ask for and have as I ask, is a fantasy to ego who thinks forms are reality.
Yet it is the law that cannot be escaped – but can be made unrecognisable.
At the level of form based reality this cannot be seen, for ‘I’ can ‘want’ and get, different to my asking.
Indeed we can seem to want so many things that all work against each other.

To risk asking and discovering the prayer of my heart – is to pass by the terrors of the god of fear and vengeance. It is hard indeed to hear guidance when we are afraid the answer will condemn us!

Growing trust is the dance of relationship.
In all symbols of our desires is a spark that yet lives innocent – even though in the world’s distortion it may express awry.

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I can act upon the basis of what I think I want as if that was actually what I want.

I can think I want differently than I want, in order to cloak desires that are otherwise unacceptable, so as to mask my fears as well as masking the desires themselves.

In this way I can make a presentation not unlike the bonds traded with sub prime mortgages – in which I can make something out of nothing at the expense of everything.

When the ground is discovered not beneath my feet – I am awakened to a need to know.
Ideas based on ideas are no longer currency but are seeds of confusion.
The bedrock is found by accepting only that which is true and putting illusion aside.
Ideas may serve to guide but are not Truth itself.
The intimacy of your own heart is yours to open – as you accept.
Yet as this is allowed – the currency of love is discovered to be flowing.

One can dip into this many many times – and withdraw to the ‘securities’ of the old ways.
Yet only to grow the honesty and courage by which to release the old ways.