
The mind can linger

The heart’s notice is a natural touch – and can see the form – yet sees through the form.

In recognising it’s own light as one in all is a rapture.

From the heart’s noticing and dwelling in such reflected glory can the mind grasp as if it is independent and can possess.

By such unrecognized habit of association - the mind can easily linger past its ‘sell by date’ of love’s recognition; a joy; an insight - or whatever is the nature of communion expressed.

In identifying with the grasping through attention of desire, the mind suggests or insinuates a sense of lack. And while it is maintained - is identification held within limitation.

God is Always now – but we can be still holding the forms or traces or echoes of ‘was’ - as if it were a handle on truth; a map of or gift from the IS to validate our attention in applied will – and give it priority. and so we forget the Source and Condition of Life by mind play.

Yet the mind can only linger in the thought-form – as symbol – an image of life that might seem wondrous – but depletes as it is exploited and becomes the hollow witness to the mind of guilt – where we can have a sense of having cut ourselves off - or of being cut off from Light of Being: Love’s Innocence.

All of my thoughts are such bits of ‘past’ - they are all empty of the Living One.
Yet in opening my mind to Holy Spirit in love of truth that is Life – my thoughts can be used for the purpose of awakening, healing and joining in a mind that has forgot.

When mind is allowed to be leader – 'I' am always ‘going somewhere’ – ‘becoming something’ – ‘orientated toward a moment that is not actually here’ – even if it seems just past or just about to occur.

When the heart leads – it is the wholeness of the flow working through whatever serves its Movement – and I am always in a sense of living joy or connectedness that just Is. It’s language is everything – and will use our lives as well as our thoughts for the truth of the wellbeing of all – as we allow the channel to be opened and become our very life - in place of grasping for possession.

‘Abide in me as I abide in you’ is the disposition of peace. Extending the open hand of welcome; to hold all in willingness of welcome in my heart and accept the welcome of every heart in any degree or instance of discernment.