
In order to wake up, one must have an object of one's affection

How will love awaken but that it is openly flowing as the giving? A giving without limit of self.

To give as God Gives is to be aligned with and one with God.

This is what we have forgotten.

Though this may have material aspects it is perhaps better to consider giving in terms of your thought and attention - your mind. When you give feeling-attention to another in the true willingness of love, healing or joining - then you have found the way to 'transcend' ego - for your attention is restored to the divine function of beholding the truth of all that is - as it is.

With another human being we can see everything 'about them' become irrelevant and even disappear and the light of their smile; the soul in their eyes - the joy of their shine - unmistakably and recognisably the Beloved. This may as yet be glimmerings of intuition or the fullness of shared recognition - but it is the same in that it is not focusing on or recycling 'my impressions, comparisons, likes and dislikes'.

People yearn to find love yet it is always simply ours to give - and only by giving can we keep it in awareness.

All things are known in the heart. The mind-based strategy is always trying to find some way to make things 'work' without having to open the heart - yet when finally the heart - you - simply open to life - to the more of what - you - are, it is always recognised - you have always been you and yet the story in which you had become identified led to a forgetting in which otherness seems to justify fear and defence.

Attention is placing value - giving attention to anyone or anything gives value - but if coming from a loveless place we see a world of others and things - maybe seeming better or worse but none indivisibly alive with us. So a sense of joined heart with guidance, with gratitude, with trust extended - makes of our attention a blessing - because we give out from a place of connectedness.

Such vision of is a spontaneity that arises from a willingness to be joined. An acceptance of life before it is judged is to let judgement go by not following it to see where it goes.

Generally, most of us are heavily defended against such an occurrence - and restore 'normal service' if reality should undo or temporarily suspend ego identifications.

But if you are reading this - you are likely to be one who is already touched or stirred in desire to awaken - no matter what other baggage may try and come along too. Such is the recognition of truth in the heart. Valuing this desire and growing it will naturally extend as 'what is the truth here?' a curiosity born of the intuition that, what seems to be so, is just that - a seeming.

Who has given their heart to the world can only fear such a vision - for it renders their investments as nothing - but yet discerns and keeps all that is love or of service in rewakening love - and gives it to us as the world of love and awakening and forgiveness. A portal through time to the Eternal God. Who - once recognised in the object of your affection - extends as truth of all that is.

But one step at a time - as freely accepted. Holy Spirit is Gentleness Itself. In contrast with the cruel self judgements we yet hold in secret and in fear - that bind us and blind us to the Voice that knows our truth is of love - and can show through you -to you - as you are willing to receive.

An example of material aspects is when one trusts the movement of love and gives even in the world - and yet discovers no loss. For the living principle is that true giving and receiving are one - whereas in the world's thinking, giving is either seen as losing or a sacrifice made in order to get something deemed better.

(The title of this is a saying of Raj - who is a voice for awakening.
and this posting was slightly adapted from a response to a request for comment and clarification).