Spiritual teachings and exponents of teachings may speak of awakening into oneness.
The mind that thinks it thinks, takes such communication as self-thoughts or concepts and tries to imagine how they can be true - or how they will be realized in another moment than this. In such attempt, the mind is thinking in its own terms, which are terms that derive from a description of ignorance of oneness.
In order to allow into the mind, the experience of its oneness, there must be the realisation and observation that the thoughts on which it builds its sense of self are meaningless. For the seeming density and continuity of thinking generates a false experience of self to itself that is groundless, without cause, and without actual or direct relationship and connection.
The thinking based experience is shallow yet can depict any and every kind of drama by which it becomes compulsive and necessary to the actor who is set up within its script as the 'self' to which the experience is occurring. While this is accepted as currency worthy of attention, identification and desire, it continues.
Regardless of such activity of compulsion, the living context of all remains unaffected by any thought or experience. This living context is awareness and it is you.
To yourself in self-thinking, this can be neither understood or accepted, but you are not as you think you are and you can recognise and accept yourself as you are because you cannot wholly break connection with your truth.
In engaging thought based experience, it is _as if_ you take a journey away from yourself into an imagination that has itself made you. The result is that instead of resting as inclusive awareness whose peace is the light of being itself, you experience as if a limited mind within materiality of otherness.
This imaginary mind is predicated on differentiation in order to preserve itself as the thinker or determiner of reality. For such is the activity of following thought in order to experience the thought as tangibility.
Experiencing such thought based reality is limitation. It can be engaged only at expense of current appreciation of oneness by an ignorance - a willingness to look from out of an imagined but self-determined perspective.
Such limitation is inherently dissonant. It carries a pervasive pain of incompleteness - an out of centre or misalignment that would naturally remind you to release such a private intent and be restored to truth in which all is appreciated as it is. But if persisting in thought unnatural to truth, the same dissonance can be interpreted as oppositional conflict and guilt.
By such imaginary means can a mind experience itself as identified with ideas that separate or differentiate from truth itself - and suffer its own beliefs as unquestioned experiences to which it is essentially victim.
When you choose not to believe your own makings, you will have stirred, and the releasing occurs by which one truth rises in place of conflicting wills and realities.
Instead of using the mind of judgement which selects, compares and rejects, there is the resting in the awareness of the exactly discerned.
In such vision, the foggy soup of impressions, likenesses and differences is released of authority and in its place the shining awareness of a wholly present appreciation restates truth to you as you. You need not claim it or name it as you - but your acceptance is your wholeness of embrace and receipt. In this will you be one with the experience itself and not a ‘getter’ of a packaged experienced as anything fundamentally separated from you. Nor does it define or limit you.
The journey into illusion is one of following a wish-thought and becoming enamoured of its reflections as if it were your life. But you are simply sleeping to the reflected glory of one truth whose nature is without conflict and whose attributes are never separated from you or from each other.
The awakening is as a gentle teasing out of the knotted mentality of judgement and conflict into a willingness for light or awareness in which acceptance replaces rejection.
Every step or moment of willingness contains and expresses love of truth and truth of love, the peace of joy and the joy of freedom to feel.
Yet only within the limits of your acceptance can love be recognised and allowed its shared nature. Thus truth may seem a while to partake of the nature of your world in illusion in order to reach you and lead you from illusion to you
This is to bring you to the realisation that you have been mistaken in yourself and therefore are in need of truth above all else.
Having taken on a part in a script of your own making it is now your part to release and give over your part to the expression of that which speaks for you as you are and not as your thinking believes.
The recognition of the path you no longer desire to take is the reaching of you to you - through the veil.
It is Grace because it is already true, its acceptance is your acceptance of you as you are - in all events, circumstances and relationships.
Only the Grace of the truth of you can serve to guide you from self illusion.
What form this takes is for you to discover - though it is not ultimately the form that matters. Reading examples may console and encourage, but they will be used by the form bound mind to make ever more subtle judgements by which to validate self-illusion as replacement for you.
It is Given for you to know the truth.