Singularity of desire is held for us in trust while we engage attention and identity in false or conflicting desire.
It can be accessed in any moment of true willingness or trust that may note a felt desire and then surrender it to the outcome that aligns with Highest Good. Singularity of desire is impossible to ‘use’ coercively – for it is the living expression of One.
I have a handicapped daughter – Emily now quite grown up – and she was staying when we had a rare very hot sunny day on August Bank Holiday - (UK has had two almost non-summers in a row by the way). I actually found her willing to come to the beach with me and set off a mere mile or so. (At that time she couldn't walk very far at all). But the mile or so was a crawl of cars to the point – where our beach is. They were also crawling to come back down this spur of a road but probably because they had failed to find a parking place at the car park at the end – and come back again.
Sitting in a stiflingly hot car at a slow crawl with many stops – my time with her was running out before I had to take her back. And the inspiration to swim together felt fragile amidst the 'evidence'.
But there wasn't any ‘going back’ - so come what may, I gradually drove along – nose to tail – to the car park. But I kept my desire and my heart open in a present appreciation. I also realized that I would be willing to park illegally and pay whatever penalty in order to share that morning on the beach with Emily - but I did not let that thought make me wilful or reactive - it was just a sense of value recognised.
As I got to finally turn into the car park I saw there was indeed a queue all through all of its lanes and out again. (I don't usually venture into such places at peak holiday times because this sort of thing is what many end up doing with their family on a beautiful day – queuing!).
But to the right as if invisible to the other drivers ahead and around – was a legitimate place – admittedly part on a kerb – but every other possible plot legal and not legal - was covered in cars! So I just drove calmly in and we had a really wonderful swim and sunbathe together.
I did not ‘create’ the movement of this desire – but it came to me with an inspiration – which I stayed alive with despite thoughts that were quite justifiable in terms of the then ‘known universe’.
Any attempt to create such desire in reaction to any sense of scarcity, lack or problem is likely to muddy the water and feed the problem from which it originated. Yet a disposition of happiness and willingness is often open to little prompts that are - in a sense – from the More of You to help grow the appreciation of You as You Are.
Because we identify self with body to such a degree – it is hard to realise that You Are one with relatedness itself – temporarily expressing through a mind that has limited itself by using unrelated thoughts and becoming identified with the experiences they bring.
When miracles do not occur as part of our day – should we not pause and consider that we have lost touch with our willingness – and then uncover our desire to find it?
Life is already the Miracle of Love – it is the release of the (identifications with) fear by which the singularity of love is remembered.
But let desire be your guide and discern truly – so that you can grow to trust yourself not to play mindgames at the level of your integrity.
in Love's blessing