One of the reasons that spirit knowledge has been and often is hidden or secret among those who come to awaken is because its realisation is hidden or secret from the ego.
Because ego identity = collusion to be secret and hidden from God-Awareness-Love.
= refusal to look within.
For to look within = to see only the Christ.
All the hate-fear-guilt-shite is the barrier to looking within that is designed to be effective in protecting ego from truth’s awareness arising in ... you.
Such a distorted orientation sees not the love – but only fearful heresy.
Such a mentality sees not innate innocence – but sin and guilt.
Such a mentality sees not – but is fascinated by its own denied thoughts and intentions.
And ‘loves’ to hate them.
And is ‘exonerated’ by their 'destruction' or excommunication.
And has ‘peace’ that evil is allayed and held without.
Thus Jesus, love incarnate, truths expression - was killed.
In belief of his death some came to accept this, seeing only validation of the old mind in fear and judgement.
For they yet worship death as giver of meaning, with power even over life.
Because the symbol of the killed love serves their desire for divine favour in ‘obedience’ to ‘Scripture’ where they can hate, fear or deny in 'righteousness'.
But love is not dead.
Indeed is your only Life.
'He' shows you where to look.
Why tarry with the dead?
Here is a feast that grows by its sharing.
If some hold that God created them separate like a clay figure and blew life into it – then anything that undermines that symbol of separation may be seen heretical – demonic – fearful and hated.
Therefore it may be both unwise and uncompassionate to suggest to them directly:
That Gods Gift is our life – and never leaves God to become fenced off around a separated will
by the continuance of the desire to exert such a will – and then
– ONLY –
to the mind that thus chooses to engage the wish.
But should any come to you and are shown by promptings and signs to be willing – then let flow as Spirit directs. This may be to speak entirely in pottery terms! - that isn't important – but the sharing and acceptance of love is important.
Let people believe as they choose – but in peace with them be willing to teach from the Spirit awake in you – as you are moved.
You know you are moved by Spirit when you are shown your brothers and sisters in Spirit. For unless you see their worth – how can you give them what they have denied themselves? For such is the way of salvation from self-made self-apart.
The desire to teach according to yourself with or without scripture is an old desire and it is as tares among the wheat.
Beware the desire to judge yourself or you will judge all and know them not nor the life in you.
Reach beyond the way you know, in humility and yet in faith of One wholly worthy of faith.
Watch with Me, as we together walk, from shadows into Light.
Forgive yourself for sleep, though again and yet again – for sleep is the nature of the world unawakened.
The past is gone as you release it – and the self you let Me grow in you through your giving is of eternal being.
So Be it.
In Peace