
Entranced in limited separate experience

The ego or false sense of self is the act of suppression, distortion or denial of truth.
That is its job description expressed in reverse terms to its maker.

Who is its maker?

Its maker is the thought of a wish - to assert illusion as truth - that you are attending to.

What thought?

The thought is a ‘what if? thought that is taken to “what would it be like to experience the ‘what if’ - as if it were real”, which then leads to "I wish to experience this".

Wish for what? Experience of what?

The thought of "what if truth is other than as it is". "What would it be like"

We are free to use our mind to have experience of limitation while the wish for it is enacted. Because this can be asked for and received as asked.
But once we engage and believe the experience - we immediately forget who we Are and do not recognise that we can accept this gift of experience we chose, as completed, and move on with the living desire that is in our heart now.

Why do we not recognise?

Because we experience limitation as separation and as if it is being done to us in return for what we believe we have just done.

What do we believe we have just done?

Our experience is one of loss of wholeness, loss of light, conflictedness of thought and desire, doubt of existence itself. It came as a direct result of the activity in our mind. It may not immediately have hit guilt and fear - but assertion of will always meets opposition. The use of raw unbridled assertion of will is blind and self attacking - but we experience ourselves as attacked and justifiably aggrieved.

Why don't we release it and allow truth to restore us?

We know we have willed differently and we treasure its experience in which we can assert and explore our seeming power and do not want to release it - but rather would use it to overcome the chaos that we suffer. This entrenches our enslaved identification further as we develop abilities to overcome or manage obstacles by further assertions of will and imaginative ingenuity. We become proud and think we have made a self in a hostile world that has limited power to tame it and live in it. But any peace is short lived and all defences have to be constantly maintained. The whole thing is an insanity of necessity amidst confusion and suffering. And we are afraid.

Why doesn't our Wholeness recall us to True Reason and Sanity?

The heart's knowing is and does call you and uses all you believe to show you that you are not as you think and reality is not as you perceive. It is ever active in gently loosening and undoing the blocks that you erected to defend against undoing of your own judgement. But can only work with your freely given willingness.

Direct awareness is denied attention from fear of loss and retribution - or it is denied from rage of abandonment. For the Truth does not and cannot play this game and sees it not.

The god that the ego makes is in its own image - so it is believed a separate Power to be placated. The belief in external reality takes the mind to believe that it is almost powerless. Yet seeking to harness and exploit all perceived powers to its own intent. But it is a process of depletion and for all the ingenuity applied - it runs out of capacity to function because there is a limit to the pain and suffering and meaninglessness that will be endured at which the ego stops and you ask in the heart "There must be a better way". The listening for the answer is the willingness to receive.