The more the world appears to ‘fall apart’ the more I am called to rest in peace ; to open my heart to the flowing moment in trust and make my home in its presence.
This does of course embrace the world – but not as it is portrayed by the mind of the separated self sense – but as the movement of the fulfilment of God.
This I would learn to discern and accept as the Abundance of Truth – in which all the qualities of Truth are beheld in gratitude, glory, wonder and delight, recognition and awe.
This may seem impossible to believe – yet I tell you the world you see is impossible. But the very light of awareness remains as it is – and not other than as it is – no matter what thoughts are engaged.
To look out and interpret anything from a separate self sense is an illusory insanity – no matter how many seem to share the will to do so.
That we have done this may be a habit hard to shed, but the value of a redeemed and restored heart and mind cannot be overstated – for by the use to which you accept for the gift of life, will you know Creation – as its Son or Daughter -or suffer your own illusion – as a mad and tormented secret thing.
Reality is altogether now. Time is altogether not here.
Holiness is altogether true. The mind of sin is not now.
As we sow – or give, so shall we receive – or reap.
This is true Now and need relate not at all to a past or future.
Herein lies the open secret of salvation.
All that you are receiving is the same measure and kind as what you choose to give.
It does not seem to be that you can choose because the past seems joined to the future.
But you are here, now with me and no matter how thoughts and feelings may swarm or charm or seem to harm – the power of decision is your own.
To look on stark insanity may be the recognition that you are looking in entirely the wrong direction. All things serve the mind that loves truth – and the truth in every mind is such a love.
Blow the embers of truth that it grows and glows.
In such a light will you see aright.