
Am I - or do I see others as awake or enlightened?

Personally I find that person based statements miss the mark.
The idea of separate persons as awake is not how I would refer to Awakened Perspective.

To person based thought there is presumed something to ‘get’ or understand’ or ‘attain’ that differentiates asleep with awake.

But it is the person based thought that is subscribed to and invested in, that hides the wonder and the truth of You from your awareness via person based existence.

Jesus became a human conduit or transparency of communication and the communion of Divine love. He ‘saw the Holy Spirit in all whom he met’.

Person based thought inevitably ‘made him a special Person’ because to accept the Divine Expression as Truth ... is to release the world as a thing apart from God and ourselves apart from God. God is the only Life. Any other is imagination.
The western notions of God are also tending to be person based – often portraying a Cosmic Ego.

Our thinking minds are literally substituting for the direct appreciation of Reality and the inferred ‘thinker’ is imaged by such thoughts and ‘protected’ from thoughts that are believed to be in conflict with ‘me’.

Yet such preoccupation with 'me and mine' is at the cost of awareness and appreciation of the Living Moment.
I sometimes call it masked reality; Reality seen as it is not.

In any instant where one neglects or forgets to assert the mentality of the ‘me and mine’ there is some sense of simply being. This can be experienced in any kind of activity as being of a different order of consciousness, essentially of being held, lived, transported, perfectly coordinated, spoken or written or acting in a manner beyond one’s own historical capacity.

It may be instants or it may be for periods of time or become the normal state – but it is not really that someone has become awake – but that they have become unobstructed to that which is awake.

There is said to be a no return condition where the option to be obstructed is no longer available. Such a one could be called awake permanently – but is this a person who is awake so much as an Individuality who has realized its own Mind is not in any way limited or limitable.

Such realisation comes only to the perfectly trusting – and therefore free of any trace of guilt or judgement. Yet this Mind is Already Yours!

Those who allow the truth to give through them, have. To these will be added; ie: We grow in our willingness and acceptance.
To those who deny the gift in guilt and wilful miscreation, will be taken away even the little they have. Not because illusion is taken away – but because it is a little seeming that cannot abide and does not bear creative fruit.

Individuality is of God and that which is our Individuality is of the same. Yet the person is as a mask layer which must be translated. A bit like a thick black outline of enclosure and differentiation becoming lighter, more diffuse and evaporating – as our experience is one of widening circle of identity and participation in life lived. (Which is fact lived through us).

I offer this in simple sharing of what is helpful to my own ‘being with’.

And am grateful to have read it!

in Gratitude
