
What is porn?

What is porn? (said someone in an article about google's age)

Porn Industry: The marketisation of FORMS of intimacy as fantasy objects operating as a trojan weapon for the propagation of sex-power confusions to usurp and replace any movement of intimacy with fantasy ritual given sacrifice to hollow out in place of a real relationship?

The free access to free porn via google suggests that porn 'industry' (come again?) is supported by other than customer payment and that google is tacitly complicit in shared or mutually serving agenda.

The freedom to engage in loveless thought and behaviour is also the freedom to accept and be moved in love. Every choice has consequences from which one can learn. Engaging in loveless behaviour reinforces its foundation as a sense of driven or forced-choice behaviour to which one sacrifices or denies true desire. That is to say what we focus in, is what we become defined and identified by. Every choice has consequence but only self-honesty can evaluate truly. A fantasy self provided with fantasy distractions no longer knows it has a choice - being captured by the attempt to capture for itself alone.

One can argue or assert all kinds of things in terms of exceptions because there is more to life than right/wrong thinking and its carrot and stick of guilt-driven correctness. But I am not seeking a moral coercion here so much as an observational description as a witnessing FOR love - whether it flowers as a totally natural and spontaneous undefended opening to one another or lies-a-bleeding or becomes lost in-a-mist. Most of what is riding on sex is about power.

The corruption of power is not just relative to 'psychopathic elites' - but pervasive to a society that hates love, is embarrassed and ashamed to love and seeks and finds - or is found by - the power to deny love under a false narrative fantasy experience. True self-love is an acceptance that releases the driven urger to be someone else in some other moment. Well here I am... It's me. Being found by love is that quality through which all things are added you - but not in a getting compulsive way that reinforces a fantasy of self in denial and robs you of your Soul-awareness. But that is the marketizing and weaponizing of a self-destructive program hidden in bait. It runs "keep me from facing what I do not want to face" - and reinforces the sense of powerlessness and worthlessness - often in aggressive assertions of power and self-inflation. Porn-aggression.

Context is Everything and without asserting/accepting a mind of false framing - Life unfolds unto Its own shared recognition.