Lab-grown meat
Execution at Happy Farm
Which world would be better: one in which all meat is grown in a lab or one which still contains humanely farmed animals?
The divine fire of Philip K Dick’s religious visions
The divine fire of Philip K Dick’s religious visions
The comment box for this article was titled "Are religious visions best understood in terms of mental illness?"
My Comment:
Individuals 'best understand' anything in terms that work for them and this of course depends on their accepted and active self definition. Some define emotional and mental dysfunctions as a result of relational communication breakdowns as 'mental illness' for their own reasons and others have such put upon them - along with forced medications etc.
Our experience can be defined and limited by conceptual identities that deny other perfectly valid but socially tabboo realms of consciousness - in fact consciousness is effectively taboo to expand or awaken as - EXCEPT as one's societal conditioning allows.
The opening into a realm of Meaning that cannot be meaningfully translated into our current conceptual grasp is often associated with a conflicted identity - where the new perspective is not established, grounded or integrated and the personality loses balance and experiences conflicted and fragmenting purpose - in fear, in self guilt and projected blame. But the dis-ease is primarily in the conflict that such expansion reveals - for it was already latent but did not show significant symptoms within the reality agreements of the social norm - that shares such conflicts and normalizes them.
Experience does not have to be labelled 'religious' or 'illness' just because it doesn't fit the official reality consensus. 'Bleedthroughs' of Soul connections or exchanges of information are part of a multidimensionality from which a filtered conscious self-sense operates above - and generally unconscious of - in part from the identification with a continuity narrative.
Dick' account shows that 'a sense of loss of such experience of Meaning - left a contrasting meaninglessness in which he at least temporarily became suicidally depressed. It might be said that his lack of awareness did not mean a lack of support in his continuing existence and Phillip K Dick - for his personality level was not the authorizer of ending his life - though in some sense it may have been the covering over of the 'numinous'.
It is noticable that the opening into Mind or Consciousness is often traumatic and yet also beatific and the former can be a confusion of awe with terror - for the 'mind' of our personality cannot understand in its own limited terms - yet can stand under in terms of receiving guidance and support for the integration of consciousness within Consciousness - for there are no walls or distances in the non-physical so much as vibrational frequencies of focus that allow an experience of separate self sense as part of the extended self sense - and the idea non physical and non-temporal Soul extending into multiple realities at once and yet embracing all of them as one is not yet given general acceptance - but insofar as truth is in any case the case - the linkages between apparently diverse elements - when exposed to our 'waking' awareness - become part of the anomalies in search of a narrative embrace or conscious acceptance - or more likely pushed down and away in the protective gesture of re-asserting the established identity; the 'devil we know' or think we know and thus believe as a sense of self control amidst... Infinity?
It should be noted that what is normal in our world is far from sane. Of course insanity can be redefined as sane - and must be if it is not to be immediately addressed. Whereas the recognition of insanity paradoxically witnesses the opening of a context of sanity from which to recognize the mis-identification. For some this can occur via dramatic experiences - for others in a relatively smooth transitional series of steps. But insanity - as a denial of a prior or true nature - cannot actually persist without dependency upon the very nature it denies to seem to exist - and this is active as a self-destructive pattern in human endeavour today - as it was under dictate of the Roman State. They used the modified form of the Christian religion to 'unify' a diverse Empire while 'sanctifying' state power - which decreed what was and was not sane or acceptable via the masking of religious controls.
This can also be seen in the individual who demands or asserts such as to stop or deny or limit any feared or unwanted change to their thought system or sense of self-control. Most of which is a form of limiting and denying validity to Consciousness - excepting where it supports the current need.
But a true self-acceptance meets the true need. Denial of feelings and thoughts is against the grain as a persistent strategy and leads to breakdown as a means to health - for a true foundation is fundamental to any degree of consciousness and the more unified in purpose, the more scope and richness of experience - aka 'Life more abundant'.
The comment box for this article was titled "Are religious visions best understood in terms of mental illness?"
My Comment:
Individuals 'best understand' anything in terms that work for them and this of course depends on their accepted and active self definition. Some define emotional and mental dysfunctions as a result of relational communication breakdowns as 'mental illness' for their own reasons and others have such put upon them - along with forced medications etc.
Our experience can be defined and limited by conceptual identities that deny other perfectly valid but socially tabboo realms of consciousness - in fact consciousness is effectively taboo to expand or awaken as - EXCEPT as one's societal conditioning allows.
The opening into a realm of Meaning that cannot be meaningfully translated into our current conceptual grasp is often associated with a conflicted identity - where the new perspective is not established, grounded or integrated and the personality loses balance and experiences conflicted and fragmenting purpose - in fear, in self guilt and projected blame. But the dis-ease is primarily in the conflict that such expansion reveals - for it was already latent but did not show significant symptoms within the reality agreements of the social norm - that shares such conflicts and normalizes them.
Experience does not have to be labelled 'religious' or 'illness' just because it doesn't fit the official reality consensus. 'Bleedthroughs' of Soul connections or exchanges of information are part of a multidimensionality from which a filtered conscious self-sense operates above - and generally unconscious of - in part from the identification with a continuity narrative.
Dick' account shows that 'a sense of loss of such experience of Meaning - left a contrasting meaninglessness in which he at least temporarily became suicidally depressed. It might be said that his lack of awareness did not mean a lack of support in his continuing existence and Phillip K Dick - for his personality level was not the authorizer of ending his life - though in some sense it may have been the covering over of the 'numinous'.
It is noticable that the opening into Mind or Consciousness is often traumatic and yet also beatific and the former can be a confusion of awe with terror - for the 'mind' of our personality cannot understand in its own limited terms - yet can stand under in terms of receiving guidance and support for the integration of consciousness within Consciousness - for there are no walls or distances in the non-physical so much as vibrational frequencies of focus that allow an experience of separate self sense as part of the extended self sense - and the idea non physical and non-temporal Soul extending into multiple realities at once and yet embracing all of them as one is not yet given general acceptance - but insofar as truth is in any case the case - the linkages between apparently diverse elements - when exposed to our 'waking' awareness - become part of the anomalies in search of a narrative embrace or conscious acceptance - or more likely pushed down and away in the protective gesture of re-asserting the established identity; the 'devil we know' or think we know and thus believe as a sense of self control amidst... Infinity?
It should be noted that what is normal in our world is far from sane. Of course insanity can be redefined as sane - and must be if it is not to be immediately addressed. Whereas the recognition of insanity paradoxically witnesses the opening of a context of sanity from which to recognize the mis-identification. For some this can occur via dramatic experiences - for others in a relatively smooth transitional series of steps. But insanity - as a denial of a prior or true nature - cannot actually persist without dependency upon the very nature it denies to seem to exist - and this is active as a self-destructive pattern in human endeavour today - as it was under dictate of the Roman State. They used the modified form of the Christian religion to 'unify' a diverse Empire while 'sanctifying' state power - which decreed what was and was not sane or acceptable via the masking of religious controls.
This can also be seen in the individual who demands or asserts such as to stop or deny or limit any feared or unwanted change to their thought system or sense of self-control. Most of which is a form of limiting and denying validity to Consciousness - excepting where it supports the current need.
But a true self-acceptance meets the true need. Denial of feelings and thoughts is against the grain as a persistent strategy and leads to breakdown as a means to health - for a true foundation is fundamental to any degree of consciousness and the more unified in purpose, the more scope and richness of experience - aka 'Life more abundant'.
The mark of the Beast?
Why Is There Suddenly Such A Huge Push For ‘Mark Of The Beast’ Technology?
The Beast rises up from the Deep...
The patterns of deceit by which a coercive sense of control over a separated sense of Life are coming up into awareness.
That which 'operated' in the 'dark' or the deep of Unconsciousness is being illuminated.
What is this but our core separation trauma - and its immediate reactive 'mind' of fragmentation and struggle for power of control and position?
The human conditioning has never not been active in our known or even dimly remembered mythic history - being the "fall" or rather the belief, identity and defensive protection of the "separation" - which is active in belief and story but not in the actual capacity or gift of existence awareness.
The 'mind' that has been a sense of power and protection is relative to the fragmentation that formed to NOT KNOW what was then overwhelming - and the fear of loss of control, loss of self, loss of power and so forth is the trigger of a survival mentality that could be called 'reptilian' or primitive - being an subconscious fight or flight response for specific occasions within the experience of physical reality. However in the "Control" mentality it becomes the defacto "mind" that looks out on food . ammo. ally or threat - no matter what is actually present - and even comes to believe its existence depends on propagating enmity and division - and hence obfuscation and darkness - so as to "survive". Except this operates a self and other-destructive agenda (as the tares amidst the wheat) which bring pain, deprivation, misery and death - along with the potential to PAUSE from reaction and question the beliefs and core definitions that bring such repeated experience - rather than persist in what actually does not and cannot really work.
The key to take from what I feel to offer here is that you cannot expect or make anyone ELSE release their 'control' mentality or fearful sense of self-definition, but you can PAUSE from thought or behavioural reaction to NOTICE more of what is going on beneath your own thinking and perception - and the behaviours that then seem automatic or 'natural' to such a sense of personal opportunity or threat - but which are embodying and supporting a fearful script from which a fearful world reflects - even if done in a wish or intention of being 'kind or loving'. One has to look to the very foundation in a true willingness for Life - as an embrace and embracing quality of communication and relationship.
The escalation of 'control' technologies, is the SAME as the rising of the sense of UNCONTROLLABLE-NESS, but a relationship of honouring communication does not require external coercive controls to find balance and harmony in all its parts.
The nature of control needs to relinquish the hateful and focus in control against the allowing of hateful reaction. PAUSING the 'machine mind' to allow creative perspective to restore integrity.
Whatever your 'mind' tells you, your choice or acceptance of foundation is the determiner of the world you meet. If you are tricked by reaction, this becomes the re-education of vigilance against trickery WITHIN yourself. Once you begin to awaken your own 'inner' sense of Sonship (of Life) and brotherhood (in Life), you naturally operate a in supportive and protective way for others as your self in a wholeness of being - rather than feeding the TROLL of conflict, born of lack of love,that operates guilt, hate, and deceits of masked agenda in which trust is lost to a manipulative intent.
The true presence of you is like the Sun - in that it may be covered over with clouds - and yet remains un-coverable to a true desire. True desire is the 'enemy' of a control system - so in order to wake yourself, you have to open from it in a genuine willingness - as you are moved. For we are moved truly - but denied that to allow only what seemed 'safe' to be seen in.
Hating and fearing the 'controllers' or manipulators is only feeding their identity-fragment as part of keeping the state of isolation in which such identities seem meaningful or necessary. As Earth moves out of 'quarantine' a multi-dimensional quality of Existence renders the currency of 'control' increasingly or even suddenly redundant - though perhaps if this IS entangled with your heart's desire - you may live its 'lordship' in some way as to recognize its lack of fulfilment. Nothing external can truly fulfil that which is itself programmed by a sense of deprivation and lack. Everything stolen, steals your Peace - by your own word is it so - and not at the hand of another.
Being moved is the nature of the focusing within consciousness - and what we accept or choose to be moved by or FROM is the most fundamental freedom or indeed waking responsibility unto ourself and unto all. Balance does not arise from the carrot and stick - but if we recognize our own choice for carrot and stick 'mind' operates the denial of the true movement of our being - then we can leave the choice for carrot and stick like un-taken bait, and be open to the movement of being that is associated with guidance and support from WITHIN - that also communicates through synchronicities of what seems 'without'.
Though I write with words and ideas - the willingness to yield WITHIN is wordless or simple and requires no change to first occur. Regardless the terms you do or don't have or use for your true being - it embraces you perfectly but only to your willingness will your desire rise in the clear. And even so it comes into a mind that is habituated to exploit, attack and usurp - yet only scripts itself as having 'lost it' or been cut off in some way. Separation trauma rise from self-concept or rigidly mind-framed sense of self. As long as one persists the condition of separation and rejection, does the reflected denial seem to come back at us in distressing disguises.
There is within us, a re-integrative movement of being - because there has been a set into a segregative imposition upon the movement of being. healing and wholeness is not an overcoming of enemy so much as a yielding to true alignment. One may meet great resistance to such in oneself and therefore manifest conflict, drama and heartbreak - before arriving at a simplicity of vision and choice - in which the 'choiceless' moves spontaneously of itself - without reference to a negative in terms of self justification or apology. Such witness to Life is joy - it all or any form of expression.
Don't just do something - STAND there - and know intimately the movement of being that embraces and inspires a free willing response or creativity - as a unifying purpose of joy - and not a coercive attempt to impose or assert form - 'that doth the winged Life destroy...'.
Let the roles be played out that ARE serving your awakening perspective - and be found in the Living rather than counted among the dead - and perhaps your simple and perhaps thought-less witness stirs those who had so deeply forgotten that they have a true belonging in a greater Intimacy of being - than the mind of itself can believe or conceive true - even here - and now.
- - -
Ah but is it the heart's witness to truth or a self-commentary from one who presumes to be above his brother?
Not all who cry "Lord Lord!" are recognizable in truth.
The word in the heart is usurped by the framing of a form-obsessed mind. Or rather - it is written indelibly - but covered over with much ado about... something that seems so necessary in its timing - in its framing - in its self-assertiveness. Calm the storm and know truly.
In Reply to:
wayne - who wrote:
The Beast rises up from the Deep...
The patterns of deceit by which a coercive sense of control over a separated sense of Life are coming up into awareness.
That which 'operated' in the 'dark' or the deep of Unconsciousness is being illuminated.
What is this but our core separation trauma - and its immediate reactive 'mind' of fragmentation and struggle for power of control and position?
The human conditioning has never not been active in our known or even dimly remembered mythic history - being the "fall" or rather the belief, identity and defensive protection of the "separation" - which is active in belief and story but not in the actual capacity or gift of existence awareness.
The 'mind' that has been a sense of power and protection is relative to the fragmentation that formed to NOT KNOW what was then overwhelming - and the fear of loss of control, loss of self, loss of power and so forth is the trigger of a survival mentality that could be called 'reptilian' or primitive - being an subconscious fight or flight response for specific occasions within the experience of physical reality. However in the "Control" mentality it becomes the defacto "mind" that looks out on food . ammo. ally or threat - no matter what is actually present - and even comes to believe its existence depends on propagating enmity and division - and hence obfuscation and darkness - so as to "survive". Except this operates a self and other-destructive agenda (as the tares amidst the wheat) which bring pain, deprivation, misery and death - along with the potential to PAUSE from reaction and question the beliefs and core definitions that bring such repeated experience - rather than persist in what actually does not and cannot really work.
The key to take from what I feel to offer here is that you cannot expect or make anyone ELSE release their 'control' mentality or fearful sense of self-definition, but you can PAUSE from thought or behavioural reaction to NOTICE more of what is going on beneath your own thinking and perception - and the behaviours that then seem automatic or 'natural' to such a sense of personal opportunity or threat - but which are embodying and supporting a fearful script from which a fearful world reflects - even if done in a wish or intention of being 'kind or loving'. One has to look to the very foundation in a true willingness for Life - as an embrace and embracing quality of communication and relationship.
The escalation of 'control' technologies, is the SAME as the rising of the sense of UNCONTROLLABLE-NESS, but a relationship of honouring communication does not require external coercive controls to find balance and harmony in all its parts.
The nature of control needs to relinquish the hateful and focus in control against the allowing of hateful reaction. PAUSING the 'machine mind' to allow creative perspective to restore integrity.
Whatever your 'mind' tells you, your choice or acceptance of foundation is the determiner of the world you meet. If you are tricked by reaction, this becomes the re-education of vigilance against trickery WITHIN yourself. Once you begin to awaken your own 'inner' sense of Sonship (of Life) and brotherhood (in Life), you naturally operate a in supportive and protective way for others as your self in a wholeness of being - rather than feeding the TROLL of conflict, born of lack of love,that operates guilt, hate, and deceits of masked agenda in which trust is lost to a manipulative intent.
The true presence of you is like the Sun - in that it may be covered over with clouds - and yet remains un-coverable to a true desire. True desire is the 'enemy' of a control system - so in order to wake yourself, you have to open from it in a genuine willingness - as you are moved. For we are moved truly - but denied that to allow only what seemed 'safe' to be seen in.
Hating and fearing the 'controllers' or manipulators is only feeding their identity-fragment as part of keeping the state of isolation in which such identities seem meaningful or necessary. As Earth moves out of 'quarantine' a multi-dimensional quality of Existence renders the currency of 'control' increasingly or even suddenly redundant - though perhaps if this IS entangled with your heart's desire - you may live its 'lordship' in some way as to recognize its lack of fulfilment. Nothing external can truly fulfil that which is itself programmed by a sense of deprivation and lack. Everything stolen, steals your Peace - by your own word is it so - and not at the hand of another.
Being moved is the nature of the focusing within consciousness - and what we accept or choose to be moved by or FROM is the most fundamental freedom or indeed waking responsibility unto ourself and unto all. Balance does not arise from the carrot and stick - but if we recognize our own choice for carrot and stick 'mind' operates the denial of the true movement of our being - then we can leave the choice for carrot and stick like un-taken bait, and be open to the movement of being that is associated with guidance and support from WITHIN - that also communicates through synchronicities of what seems 'without'.
Though I write with words and ideas - the willingness to yield WITHIN is wordless or simple and requires no change to first occur. Regardless the terms you do or don't have or use for your true being - it embraces you perfectly but only to your willingness will your desire rise in the clear. And even so it comes into a mind that is habituated to exploit, attack and usurp - yet only scripts itself as having 'lost it' or been cut off in some way. Separation trauma rise from self-concept or rigidly mind-framed sense of self. As long as one persists the condition of separation and rejection, does the reflected denial seem to come back at us in distressing disguises.
There is within us, a re-integrative movement of being - because there has been a set into a segregative imposition upon the movement of being. healing and wholeness is not an overcoming of enemy so much as a yielding to true alignment. One may meet great resistance to such in oneself and therefore manifest conflict, drama and heartbreak - before arriving at a simplicity of vision and choice - in which the 'choiceless' moves spontaneously of itself - without reference to a negative in terms of self justification or apology. Such witness to Life is joy - it all or any form of expression.
Don't just do something - STAND there - and know intimately the movement of being that embraces and inspires a free willing response or creativity - as a unifying purpose of joy - and not a coercive attempt to impose or assert form - 'that doth the winged Life destroy...'.
Let the roles be played out that ARE serving your awakening perspective - and be found in the Living rather than counted among the dead - and perhaps your simple and perhaps thought-less witness stirs those who had so deeply forgotten that they have a true belonging in a greater Intimacy of being - than the mind of itself can believe or conceive true - even here - and now.
- - -
Ah but is it the heart's witness to truth or a self-commentary from one who presumes to be above his brother?
Not all who cry "Lord Lord!" are recognizable in truth.
The word in the heart is usurped by the framing of a form-obsessed mind. Or rather - it is written indelibly - but covered over with much ado about... something that seems so necessary in its timing - in its framing - in its self-assertiveness. Calm the storm and know truly.
In Reply to:
wayne - who wrote:
Jesus writes His name on your heart. Satan writes his name on your forehead. One by willingness, the other by force.
In the past, bullets and food decided who lived and who died, but soon that will be decided electronically at the stroke of a finger, all in the name of security and convenience.
Ironically billions will only find death secured and highly inconvenient, but.........isn't technology wonderful? And besides, you did ask for it and will embrace it with death defying excitement and anticipation I'll bet!
Concise article although sad that its coming.
Everything is connected in You
Jon Rappoport writes on ‘what is the Matrix’
I don't agree with the way he frames his communication:
My response:
There is a misunderstanding here. The matrix is the mind that pretends to disconnect - and claims that 'individuality' is a power unto itself and thinks IT has and can exploit imagination at will - but becomes trapped within its own definitions in a world of separate and oppositional polarities.
So it is not that all the separate ones or things are connected - but that they are never truly separate or disconnected from the Imagination in which they arise.
That sense of disconnect and power over a part of the game of identifying with the character of the dream as if the dream is not Your separation experience of the Wholeness (though it hasn't got a name because there is no one and nothing OUTSIDE to make an object of it. Or be an object to It.
Clearly something is arising as experience and the nature of that is always an expression of what YOU are defining yourself in relation to your world. It is a dance in which the one has experience of differentiation of partial and unique perspective and Infinitely so.
Humpty never truly fell. But the belief runs on. You don't need to put him together again - but merely to open to the Source of your being by NOT struggling with or from a false premise and making it real for you thereby.
There is a reintegrating movement to a fragmented sense of being and your do recognize yourself more directly, more intimately and more expansively as a result of re-alignment within who you truly are rather than struggling from a basis that is not the true of you.
But one cannot talk this true. The experiencing of what we are as we are is part of allowing new perspective in - which indeed can be seen as a Life serving free willing creative imagination that embodies in active willingness to live from what is revealed rather than make an identity to then try to sell or validate on others. For one of the ways we do not let healing in is to run off with some of the forms of insight before we have really let them become in us.
Nothing exists without the rest of All That Is. Give me anything that has independent existence - for there is no such thing! - yet the wish-belief to BE such a one must colour all else likewise.
Everything - and much more than we are currently or consciously aware of is an expression or embodiment of Existence. Existence itself is dimensionless and contains infinite dimensions - which include awareness of existing - and that is where you are - whether you recognize this is what you are, or prefer to identify in your own terms. They don't actually change what you are - but they do create a focus of experience. Your experience is not a punishment or vengeance - but such ideas have found receptivity and acceptance in your mind and so you are liable to receive or interpret in the measure you have given out.
Show me anything you can experience that is outside your consciousness... Show me one thing you can experience that you cannot imagine... Yet you can experience an expansion of scope so as to appreciate a richer and more intimate sense of whatever it is you are accepting focus in.
It is the 'ego' sense that is not connected to anything - and makes up meanings that redefine the Living into a slave or as stuff to exploit and lay to waste. This thing seeks dominion and to determine judgement and definition and control over instead of extending recognition of worth. It is a weird 'creation' that has no independent existence because it rides on your determination to have it your OWN way at expense of others. This is self-contradicting but seems to make sense within its own framing. But makes nonsense of who you truly are.
It is a hopeless futility to try to create a 'positive' upon a negation of your self/Life and then assert that in place of who you are. But having done so - you can yield this imaged identifiction of 'self' to your Source and all that is true floats to the top while all that is false falls away unwanted. Why? Because you want freedom, joy, peace and the quality of love to rise freely in you because that is who you are and who you recognize yourself to be.
What about the evil shit then?
That which does not fall away untrue still has your allegiance and support. You are still getting something you think you want from it and even if 'hidden in your unconscious - it remains active until you check it out and become clear instead of hiding in what used to seem to work.
While hatred is active - love will be killed or denied - unless you move the hatred within a willingness to be healed of it . Under rage is hate and under hate is hurt. Hurt is a heart thing. It hurts in the heart. The mind attempts to displace and redistribute pain. Doesn't work. Re vision. Look anew. Be honest with your feelings - denied feelings turn dark. It takes whatever it takes but as the silly ad says - You're worth it... because you Exist. Not because you deserve or are unworthy in the terms you made up and believed. Because you Exist. There's a connection that can be overlaid with narrative - but remains unchanged. And you can Feel this here and now whenever you take off you mind and be exactly this.
I don't agree with the way he frames his communication:
My response:
There is a misunderstanding here. The matrix is the mind that pretends to disconnect - and claims that 'individuality' is a power unto itself and thinks IT has and can exploit imagination at will - but becomes trapped within its own definitions in a world of separate and oppositional polarities.
So it is not that all the separate ones or things are connected - but that they are never truly separate or disconnected from the Imagination in which they arise.
That sense of disconnect and power over a part of the game of identifying with the character of the dream as if the dream is not Your separation experience of the Wholeness (though it hasn't got a name because there is no one and nothing OUTSIDE to make an object of it. Or be an object to It.
Clearly something is arising as experience and the nature of that is always an expression of what YOU are defining yourself in relation to your world. It is a dance in which the one has experience of differentiation of partial and unique perspective and Infinitely so.
Humpty never truly fell. But the belief runs on. You don't need to put him together again - but merely to open to the Source of your being by NOT struggling with or from a false premise and making it real for you thereby.
There is a reintegrating movement to a fragmented sense of being and your do recognize yourself more directly, more intimately and more expansively as a result of re-alignment within who you truly are rather than struggling from a basis that is not the true of you.
But one cannot talk this true. The experiencing of what we are as we are is part of allowing new perspective in - which indeed can be seen as a Life serving free willing creative imagination that embodies in active willingness to live from what is revealed rather than make an identity to then try to sell or validate on others. For one of the ways we do not let healing in is to run off with some of the forms of insight before we have really let them become in us.
Nothing exists without the rest of All That Is. Give me anything that has independent existence - for there is no such thing! - yet the wish-belief to BE such a one must colour all else likewise.
Everything - and much more than we are currently or consciously aware of is an expression or embodiment of Existence. Existence itself is dimensionless and contains infinite dimensions - which include awareness of existing - and that is where you are - whether you recognize this is what you are, or prefer to identify in your own terms. They don't actually change what you are - but they do create a focus of experience. Your experience is not a punishment or vengeance - but such ideas have found receptivity and acceptance in your mind and so you are liable to receive or interpret in the measure you have given out.
Show me anything you can experience that is outside your consciousness... Show me one thing you can experience that you cannot imagine... Yet you can experience an expansion of scope so as to appreciate a richer and more intimate sense of whatever it is you are accepting focus in.
It is the 'ego' sense that is not connected to anything - and makes up meanings that redefine the Living into a slave or as stuff to exploit and lay to waste. This thing seeks dominion and to determine judgement and definition and control over instead of extending recognition of worth. It is a weird 'creation' that has no independent existence because it rides on your determination to have it your OWN way at expense of others. This is self-contradicting but seems to make sense within its own framing. But makes nonsense of who you truly are.
It is a hopeless futility to try to create a 'positive' upon a negation of your self/Life and then assert that in place of who you are. But having done so - you can yield this imaged identifiction of 'self' to your Source and all that is true floats to the top while all that is false falls away unwanted. Why? Because you want freedom, joy, peace and the quality of love to rise freely in you because that is who you are and who you recognize yourself to be.
What about the evil shit then?
That which does not fall away untrue still has your allegiance and support. You are still getting something you think you want from it and even if 'hidden in your unconscious - it remains active until you check it out and become clear instead of hiding in what used to seem to work.
While hatred is active - love will be killed or denied - unless you move the hatred within a willingness to be healed of it . Under rage is hate and under hate is hurt. Hurt is a heart thing. It hurts in the heart. The mind attempts to displace and redistribute pain. Doesn't work. Re vision. Look anew. Be honest with your feelings - denied feelings turn dark. It takes whatever it takes but as the silly ad says - You're worth it... because you Exist. Not because you deserve or are unworthy in the terms you made up and believed. Because you Exist. There's a connection that can be overlaid with narrative - but remains unchanged. And you can Feel this here and now whenever you take off you mind and be exactly this.
Backing the wrong horse?
How I Know for Sure I am Not Yet Enlightened
The above article looks for certainty in a negative and then seeks to use that as a positive.
My comment:
A false belief does not require work to lose its currency of usefulness. If you assert the untrue as if true - that is very different from accepting the false as if true - and has its own underlying beliefs as to what you get out of choosing to persist in a knowing 'lie'.
As someone pointed out the personal enlightenment is an oxymoron or self-contradiction. Self contradiction is the device of the mind which can believe and follow what is not true or out of true in allegiance to something valued above true - or usurping true - whereby the false thinking operates to deny true recognition - while believing itself right in its judgements.
To be sure that you are not enlightened is a strange 'knowledge' to be certain in claiming as true. Is a certainty of being felt and known in ANY claim of self-defined identity?
The lack of any claim or conclusion of self allows a receptivity or conductivity for Life to be itself and recognize itself in its own terms. A true sense of unalloyed worth extends to all and recognizes itself in all. Only the mind creates the definitions and narratives of unworthiness relative to self image or concept - and so seeks to find validation or the means to become 'worthy' - which only reinforces the original mis-idenification.
Acceptance of who you are - or the movement that is being Everything right where you are, is adding nothing and taking nothing away from what is already true - which arises naturally from releasing the investment in forms of identification that operate denial.
In that sense the willingness to know nothing and find or be found in beginner's mind opens a receptivity that presumed knowledge blocks, filters or distorts. Every moment is a new beginning - or rather a fresh appreciation. IF the mind comes in - does it have to be given a negative role? Or can it be noticing the mind?
The feeling of Existence knows itself being - and wherever I am is defined in any differentiation from the primary quality of existence, I has experience in terms of that self-definition. When we are aligned with our true nature, we are identified perfectly - with no 'identity struggle' for validation, apology or justification. To be certain of identity struggle is to stop the messenger from delivering the message by persisting in the conditions where communication cant get through.
Self conflict, disease, denial and deceit
What you’ll never read about virus-research fraud: The rabbit hole
by Jon Rappoport
The article is about deceits masking as science and indicates how once a story of false association can be got to 'stick' - other leverage can use that false premise without being challenged.
I wrote with reflections on the nature of such misidentification and its undercurrent patterns of self-conflicted misalignment and imbalance.
Mis-identity operates by false association. From false premise logic proceeds automatically.
It wont seem like logic if the premise is insane. Un-owned and un-healed fear operates contagion of self-replicating patterning - though it can mutate or shift form and trigger infection by reactions that then validate false premise. But a sense of lack will go forth and multiply lack. An abundance of lack. Why not play a different movie, now we see how powerful is the Projector to magnify and share whatever we hold desire and focus in?
Whereas mistakes can be inadvertently followed until feedback uncovers and corrects, deceitful manipulation looks for opportunity to leverage an already active fear or guilt, by offering a displacement of the inner conflicted relational breakdown, to an outer agency of 'causation' - this relieves the fearful one of personal responsibility in large part because the cover story is an authority that can not only diagnose, but treat - or at least manage the 'dis-ease' in such a way as to to minimise or block its effects or symptoms and claim efficacy. This then proceeds to invalidate anything that would expose the ruse - because the underlying core issue is of the drive to deny and 'escape' extreme and intolerable inner conflict by asserted pretence and denial that is both coercive and manipulative in the name of survival relative to overwhelming experience that cannot in its timing find resolution.
The coercive mind of manipulation 'is' the matrix - and attracts and aligns ('bands') with corresponding vibratory match in others - as well as attracting and reinforcing itself by filtering or blocking any other channel of communication.
Holding contradictory premises involves very fast shifting back and forth between unrelated or opposing premises of self in such a way as to present a unifying continuity narrative - that is operating as a cover story for the engaging and protecting of a compartmentalized attention - which includes the notion of a private mind and symbolizes itself as the seemingly autonomous 'body' that it regards as limiting it and separating it from All That Is.
Giving priority of focus to the presentation of face - or front - bands 'conscious experience' and blind-siding what must not be acknowledged or shown bands those facets of self-experience as 'unconscious'. The acting out upon body of believed 'separation needs' arise from assertive self-concept over a wholeness - a wholeness that has set itself into a fragmented loss of identity by summoning all the king's horses and all the king's men - which operates as the denial of the feeling being and of the sense-expression of body in balance - as well as the core function of blocking creative imagination - which is in a sense blamed for the mess as a self/god of good/evil who must be sacrificed to and appeased so as to stay the hand of vengeance or rage and allow some crumbs of comfort by which a tiny sense of self can 'survive' and in its own tiny framework focussed in as 'the world' prevail as a power of like kind.
A schizophrenic god with psychopathic personality facets... God and self are different frequency tags of the same idea - but the coercive denial implicit in self-concept - as an exclusive oppositional power or capacity - divides and rules out true balance in seeking only reinforcement and conformity to its self-premise - and it feels denied, betrayed, rejected and abandoned - with all the corresponding imprints of rage and fear - that are themselves denied and pushed back and down into the body - and reflecting as every kind of assault or affliction upon the body, whose original nature is covered over by layers and layers of defence of such fragmented complexity that the human conditioning is taken as a reality-premise. And the few who challenge or uncover it meet the same core intolerable separation trauma as ever - because it has not found a way to come up and be healed or undone of its false premise.
However, sickness is a crisis of healing for it is at root a call for help that often seeks only where it cannot be found - or for pre-set limited help with removing symptoms without requiring any transformation or awakening perspective of corrected error. And in extreme forms as the usurping of disease by pre-empting its own fear by sacrificing life before any disease has in fact occurred.
Mistakes can be inadvertently followed until feedback reveals the mistake - but the hatred of life that runs in the 'back' uses such dark pathways to effect the pushing down and denying of life.
The unworthy population becomes the scapegoat of disease and limiting the symptoms operates population 'control' agenda. This wont be said up front - but just back a bit is the boardroom meeting and the networking of 'concern' that 'sees' the problem as it really is and pre-empts total chaos and loss with surgical sacrifice of any proportion but that the 'power to prevail and protect its power' persists.
The jack in the box comes up with all the force it is pushed down. But the force is not in conflict when you recognize it is all your own. The need to box in or box off from by force, is different from simply tuning into what you want and attracting it in thought word and deed as your own creative discovery. There is no conflict in doing what you truly want. But conflicts come up to be recognized and undone. A lack of worthiness in a sense of denial and wrongness of self masking as if to 'right' itself only persists the original belief in lack of self. Don't look to concept for the living - be moved - be receptive to being moved and regain a trust of balancing within all that you are - which is always more than any idea or image.
Infinite And Individual
Reality is not immortal
by Jon Rappoport
My comment to Jon's article on the power of Individual imagination:
Presuming to judge 99.999% of spiritual 'systems' (oxymoron warning!) - or in fact presuming to judge another - is a use of the imagination for the purpose of asserting a 'rightness' over and against a 'wrongness'.
Why not use Imagination to communicate without resort to ascribing the bad, ignorant or evil to 'Others or Them? Why not uncover and address the underlying beliefs and use story to illuminate how the ruse works in each 'mind' subscriber.
The stories enacted as our world are narrative realities and if you experience your part of such - then it is valid for you to learn and grow through - including the recognition that self-definitions and supporting narrative operate your current 'reality' perspective - and so uncovering these opens the true power to choose or focus from a wider perspective than the triggered or conditioned reactions to such 'reality experience' dictate.
There is no need to DIS anything that is ultimately PART OF your greater Imagination and therefore YOU. In fact the attempt to eradicate or get rid of unwanted self is the way to recycle and KEEP it. That is why J said 'resist ye not evil' - for what you resist persists in manifesting within your reality experience. But what you 'put or leave behind you' as a result of focussing wholly in what you both WANT and recognize within yourself is left unused - excepting insofar as it served to set up a scope or spectrum of experience within which to awaken at a perspective both infinite and individual - both - and at once.
There is no individual outside and apart from the infinite - but only an idea of autonomous personality - which is confusing the brush with the Painter.
In alignment with awakened joy we are 'on purpose' and 'get out of our own way' so as to let into and channel or facilitate the embodiment of truly Felt Self - rather than the filtering distortions of a self-assertive 'getting' mechanism.
Though I have some critical commentary to the way Jon frames some of his ideas - I celebrate THAT these areas are brought into the open where we can reflect, recognize and reintegrate from a true foundation - that can only be uncovered. It cannot merely be asserted or believed or bought or sold into slavery.
by Jon Rappoport
My comment to Jon's article on the power of Individual imagination:
Presuming to judge 99.999% of spiritual 'systems' (oxymoron warning!) - or in fact presuming to judge another - is a use of the imagination for the purpose of asserting a 'rightness' over and against a 'wrongness'.
Why not use Imagination to communicate without resort to ascribing the bad, ignorant or evil to 'Others or Them? Why not uncover and address the underlying beliefs and use story to illuminate how the ruse works in each 'mind' subscriber.
The stories enacted as our world are narrative realities and if you experience your part of such - then it is valid for you to learn and grow through - including the recognition that self-definitions and supporting narrative operate your current 'reality' perspective - and so uncovering these opens the true power to choose or focus from a wider perspective than the triggered or conditioned reactions to such 'reality experience' dictate.
There is no need to DIS anything that is ultimately PART OF your greater Imagination and therefore YOU. In fact the attempt to eradicate or get rid of unwanted self is the way to recycle and KEEP it. That is why J said 'resist ye not evil' - for what you resist persists in manifesting within your reality experience. But what you 'put or leave behind you' as a result of focussing wholly in what you both WANT and recognize within yourself is left unused - excepting insofar as it served to set up a scope or spectrum of experience within which to awaken at a perspective both infinite and individual - both - and at once.
There is no individual outside and apart from the infinite - but only an idea of autonomous personality - which is confusing the brush with the Painter.
In alignment with awakened joy we are 'on purpose' and 'get out of our own way' so as to let into and channel or facilitate the embodiment of truly Felt Self - rather than the filtering distortions of a self-assertive 'getting' mechanism.
Though I have some critical commentary to the way Jon frames some of his ideas - I celebrate THAT these areas are brought into the open where we can reflect, recognize and reintegrate from a true foundation - that can only be uncovered. It cannot merely be asserted or believed or bought or sold into slavery.
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