I felt to join in with the idea being raised and then also to join with another commenter in points they raised. The article posits a narrative in terms of a conceptual inheritance that may serve those who resonate with that approach. I felt to offer something from within this moment to reach within the moment of the readers recognition - rather than via ideas of a sense of separate parts. To share in a consciousness perspective rather than reinforce ideas about consciousness as if it was an it.
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The power to 'forget' is a facet of the differentiating and focusing that serves the Movement of Being "know thyself".
By believing you are what you are NOT and defending against awareness of 'what you Are', a mind or identity of a segregated existence is generated through which to experience All That Is, through a glass darkly - that is, through a lens of filter and distortion.
What you are NOT is essentially your image, concept or definition of yourself. Yet this for most is their predicate of identification.
First as one's thinking, and then as the conditions that are believed to support and protect and reinforce such thinking.
The personality based thinking operates as a control mentality - though it is a function within consciousness and not actually in charge. In some sense it is a complex of masks facing out and in, by which to assert and protect a fearful sense of self from exposure to its conflicted and fearful identity.
So the definition by which we experience ourselves separate ones in separate bodies in a Universe of separate things is not a fixed fact but a perspective within Consciousness.
Consciousness is Infinite and always in a sense Now - yet is an unfoldment or extension of Idea through which "God saw that it was Good". This quality of awareness and recognition aligns us with Source, where no amount of thinking will.
Where we are coming from will - in this world - seem to be as our thinking and beliefs and definitions suggest; from the past, from material processes of sperm and egg, from mythologically described levels of being that we may intuit or imagine, from cosmic explosion of random evolving process, from Something Outside this Universe that projected you into it - and slammed the door!
But none of these address where you are coming from Now. Where consciousness is arising from Now. Thinking operates a thought system, and everyone protects their thought system unless they accept a better alternative in which case there is simply the shift to operate through what works better, what feels clearer and truer.
No one can tell you or show you who you are or where your being comes from and is a direct witness to Existence of, but you can let it back into awareness through your willingness to reintegrate in Consciousness rather than attempt to force consciousness to fit the world as your thoughts, feelings and beliefs have defined it.
Experiencing the physical as if it were reality - period, is a surface or front end to a consciousness that also stirs within. This is not to say anything in particular is un-real - but that what you experience as your reality is directly reflecting your definitions of yourself - conscious and unconscious, and rather than condemn you, this restores you to your creative freedom, because what you are choosing out of true with yourself can be owned and a different choice embraced that is truly aligned or resonant with your CONSCIOUS choice of who and what you truly feel yourself to be. This often arrives through recognizing what you are NOT.
Your true being is tangibly radiant - for Being itself is Living Light and there is nothing else to be OF. The preoccupation with sin is a device of a private self-regard. A willingness to be wrong about yourself allows light in. Yet truly, Light has never left or you would not Be! Letting the light back into your conscious awareness reveals more of Who you are - along with All That Is.
Joy and freedom are not coercive upon you, but having discarded them for the attempt to be who you are NOT, for surviving and fitting into a 'loveless world', you now have to learn that you want them by choosing to act FROM them, until the choice for fear is cancelled out and your wholeness creates as choiceless choice - which is the opposite of the mechanism of fear's tyranny, being an Intimacy of Infinite embrace - that IS your natural state of being unconditionally loved. What is forgotten is not lost, but only misplaced. Where you look to find yourself IS up to You. When fears says Stop! Don't Look! You can call it to hush, for you are desiring truth now. Fear is transformable, transmutable - but NOT in its own terms of reference and not in a way you cant honestly and freely accept. Fear tells you something is out of true in your definitions of yourself in relation to a current situation. Hiding fears by pushing them down, is how to keep them and how to be in a sense sabotaged by them unconsciously. Honesty acknowledges a situation without coercively defining it or committing to such mentality. To NOT choose fear, is to pause and listen and feel for something that reaches to you that is tangibly of a peace or wholeness of being - no matter if it is a glimpse. It shifts.
You are NOT coming from fear - but what you truly are may be being experienced through a lens of fear. Recognizing your fear is the step to owning it and is a grace of noticing - for fear is blind, so YOU know by noticing, that you are the awareness or space in which noticing arises. One starts where one is at with what is to hand in whatever way serves to truly align in this very moment. There is no other moment, but the choice to delay puts off or discards your awakening by using this moment for something else.
Blessed are the poor in Spirit for though they know it not - or would not be poor in Spirit - theirs IS the Kingdom of Heaven.
This is what could be called a foot on the ladder. Blessing IS yours to share but you forgot. Trying to understand why and how you forgot is a way of persisting in forgetting. All things become obvious in the light of a true blessing. We only need to know what we need to know when we need to know it. Is that not beautiful to know!
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in reply to the main article:
'We the Sheeple' says:I replied to 'We the Sheeple':
“You may think you come from some smart apes or from no-where, however, wouldn’t it just be nice to know the real truth.” (quoted from the article)
It would be nice, but who are we to know?
For any human alive to claim that they are in possession of “the truth” is the premier indicator that they have built a reality from someone else’s reality. All this article does is confirm the beliefs of others who have come before and it is resonating with the everyone else who has bought into the same belief systems.
Everything to humanity is relative (to each experiencer) and nothing is absolute (as in “truth”). And being truth-seekers is far from the purpose of humanity. Many people spend an inordinate amount of time and energy in “trying to figure everything out” rather than surrendering all need to know anything and just “be.” What may exist or how it exists in the non-physical dimensions is simply none of our concern. Full moment-by-moment awareness of all the miracles in the physical dimension in everyone’s experience is perhaps closer to the purpose of humanity.
Yes the mask of the ego operates a distortion - as if there is the real or officially verified truth, apart from all the unreal truths as a fact outside of Self. But you can read anything or receive anything and discern what is resonant with the truth of you as you are in integrity able and willing to accept.
What exactly is it that presumes to be 'human' or lays claim to definitions as to what human can and cannot embrace.
I am not arguing with your definitions but simply inviting you and us all to realize that such definitions as we accept and live out from, determine our experience of perception and action and identity thereby.
The non-physical is not un-present or intangible - it is simply filtered out, discarded, disregarded, in order to focus more exclusively within the human experience - which is never really merely physical, but is a unified blending of the physical within the non-physical. Uncovering this as a recognition of a reintegrating Consciousness is indeed not other than the embrace of the miraculous. For the instant of awareness IS miraculous - proceeding directly from Source and uniting us in Expression.
Everything is Already Given - but to accept it calls for releasing what we thought to have given ourselves alone and apart. What do we give? Our Experience of thought, word and deed, is the going forth and multiplying of the ideas that we choose to accept as our selves, our word, our world.
The purpose of humanity embraces all human purposes - yet redeems or purifies them by such embrace. Even 'wrong' purpose serves - but will not know itself truly thereby.
To be just, is to add nothing and take nothing away from the movement of your true being. Give true witness and receive in like kind regardless the condition or circumstance. Not in order to get something or know something for oneself alone - but as an integral expression of the Universal Will. And why Not!
Waking up to what we ARE choosing - 'inordinate time and energy in struggle', uncovers what we must actually BE believing, and this embrace owns the choosing so as to be at the point of freedom to release what is no longer felt true.
The way of persisting in delay is to add a sense of 'wrong' to an thought or an action or identification and then be obliged to 'struggle' amidst conflicting self-definitions - as if the wrong has to be overcome or got rid of by the 'right'.
I offer this in happy companionship - to your 'miracle readiness'
I appreciate the willingness to embrace and include the physical within our wholeness. Thankyou.
"It would be nice, but who are we to know?"
Who are you - or we - to NOT know?
Of course what knowing IS may not be 'nice' or fitting to the desire to map and control reality in one's own image or concept - and therefore NOT knowing may be the required condition in which to persist the illusion of such 'command and control' attempts to integrate self within a segregating movement. But to choose, to consciously decide to Be on Purpose must be to act from what we know to be true - in that moment of honest and intimate embrace. If it is filtered by beliefs, it is still the active faith in the ongoing willingness TO know and checking in as you go. Thus a poor choice will soon be replaced by a better one and will have served to illuminate the better one.
Yes - the 'knowing is different from intellectually acquired or stored information' - but just as the term 'I' can be lived from wholly - so can knowing be an extension of a willingness for communication that is in fact already here to be revealed and shared.