
Love's peace or love in pieces?

The two commandments made famous by Jesus essentially unify love of God, love of another AND love of self.

I sometimes think of this as like a three legged stool - though I just had another image of the stool as love of self, other and world as the 'stool,' and love of truth - (God-Recognizing) - being the purpose that the stool serves.
(That God-Love-Being knows itself through extension) - and sees that it is Good/God.

But in truth the God you cant see, is the same as the other and world unrecognised is the same as the one's self made a stranger.

That's why there is no communication between the usurping 'self' concept or image and anything true.
It is literally a self-blinding mechanism that 'loves' to divide and rule - in place of an indivisibility of which true individuality is an extension.

Waking up to that we 'love' to hate and fear to love is a basis from which a choice owned can be dis-owned, repented of, put behind us.

The seeming self-love of an elitist self-specialness is a love of the dead concept, symbol or idol; of taking an 'image' or model of truth as IF it is living truth Itself - thus usurping our original nature.

The imposition of a God that 'Lords it over' its creation is the 'Fall' or separation of a split off mind. It is an identification with coercion in place of true willing.

The idea of love has been adulterated and devalued by equating and confusing it with a coercive power - as if love is something we DO, of our own power - because the idea of the Fall is that we are 'of our own power'.

One can say "I love you" and one can mimic or attempt the forms of (what is currently defined and accepted as) loving behaviour, but that does not make it so. The human 'failure to love' is simply the result of persisting in a futility - like painting the roses red. However, 'failure' can be woven into the lure of 'becoming valid' - by accepting a version of separation that seems hopeful and less obviously hateful - with a presentation of good intention.

But true worth is not dependent on works nor can it be disqualified by works - although attachment to such a judgement will blind one to true worth regardless. True worth is innate to one's being or existence but covered over by filters and distortions of a 'judge presumed to interject division and assert will, instead of discerning a communication within unified being as a unique and integral facet of such Infinite Reflection.

So while there is no communication between the false and the true there is an embrace of both, because they are both in our mind - and therefore in our perception of our world.

To love is our original Nature - but choosing to focus in the idea of a 'different and oppositional' nature is the prodigal error. The willingness to be a servant in my Father's House is met by the Father's Embrace - who restores 'Sonship' - not to a self-specialness of self defined assertion, but TO and AS the appreciation of one's brother as oneself in God.