To one who noted they suffered as a result of an inner demand for perfection:
Yes it is interesting to note the kind of mentality that operates for ourself - and soon revealed to be not a true choosing of self, or other, appreciation at all.
My own ideas of perfection will choose some forms and reject others, line them up in some ways and not others and though nothing real in my actual experience supports this, I will hold some image of 'how things should be' and notice what then is lacking and the image fills with rejection and abandonment.
But self image used this way is already the idea of rejecting, that abandons wholeness.
Every instant of a freely uncoercive sharing - where the Life flows and communicates through the forms of relationship rather than gets defined and locked down in attempt to fit an idea of something imposed or secretly held dear - reminds us of the Life that truly lives and helps us align more to it and giving the dead image no power to keep us from the Living - no matter how tyrannous, pleading, hateful or true-seeming its assertion. Recognizing the deceiver is remembering to release it or put it behind us. Parleying in its framework is to be hooked and baited and taken for a spin.
We might think we have something better to be or to do that what is right here now as this moment of relationship, this situation - and THERE we make a choice to put ourself where we forfeit choice.
Every miracle-moment reconnects our wheels to the ground in a way that is no longer skidding or careering about in disconnection that then summons fear and coercion to make things line up with where we think we are!
Whatever we chose, it has unfolded something of our theme in life - the things that have interested or drawn us and of course within this are many threads. To fully live the focus of our life-time is to embrace and flow with what inspires and moves us JUST BECAUSE! - that is - without having to justify itself in some system of validation that selects this and rejects that. Being 'the best me' that I can with what I have available in any given moment as an expression of embrace, cannot fail - for there is no setting of of conditions to have to meet excepting to embody the willingness and desire of Life as it moves me.
God Creates us Perfect. In seeming to create the imperfect we have chosen to forget - and so that seems to make no sense to us in the world we think to be. In noticing we had forgotten love we are reminded by Perfection of who we are and what we are. But so gently as never to attack our own creative explorations of 'strange' ideas by which attack seems possible.
Acknowledging THAT there is such a demanding dictate in one's experience is a true step to freedom:
What might I be believing about myself that would lead me to choose to manifest this situation? - and is it true of me? is it what I choose to say "Yes - This is me!"?
Looking within may uncover yukky beliefs, but unless you choose to accept them it will reveal you unconditionally loved.
Thank you