Christians who ignore the real Jesus
The real Jesus?
The Jesus that you make reflects yourself as you choose to be.
If like Jesus you choose to only be as God is Being You - then you will put aside the persona and embrace the whole - which extends through you as your genuine presence and touches others in recognition and embrace of worth.
The moneylenders in the template are not personages to hate. The illustration was not a political act but a profound teaching demonstration of one's own device in consciousness working in secret that interjects itself into the currency of true appreciation and exchange so as to usurp it to a private agenda.
Jesus 'politics' are to give witness to truth. Issues of social organization are a matter of honest willingness for communication - but such communication is denied while the template is 'defiled'. Look therefore within THIS moment of your living to see the self-definitions that are giving rise to your perception and experience - for you are not created BY your experience though you can choose to believe this if you would prefer it to your Creator - Who is with you even now or you would not Be.
The lie and the father of the lie is to be identified WITHIN and put behind you. That there are reflections and symbols of this in the world is to serve your uncovering and owning of your OWN. THIS you CAN repent of immediately ONCE you recognize it.
Who knows not what he does is poor in Spirit - but is no less the inheritor of the Kingdom because one cannot truly disinherit truth. But on can attempt to assert and defend a partiality as if it were whole - at the expense of appreciation of wholeness.
The relevance and resonance to your need is the ears and eyes you have. If you have no need of truth but to use its form to fuel or mask a private agenda, then you will have your experience and be found wanting. There IS no peace in conflict. Be vigilant against the illusion of power. God is not needing praise or belief - but while you withhold your blessing, you will feel deprived. God is the love that needs nothing but to share itself. Creation is an infinitely rich expression of sharing - seen as a wholeness of All in All. The world of perception is a structure of belief - nothing more - but not less. No one lacks faith - but what is it invested in?
The real You is the point, and if Jesus, in any degree or aspect of what that can mean to you, serves the living sharing appreciation of Life's Blessing - then be grateful for the synchronicity and be not embarrassed or inhibited in love's presence as your own - strange as that may seem to a mind conditioned to judgement, coercion, fear and guilt. Conditioning can be recognized and changed by a shift of perspective.
Jesus is the Idea of you embodied, for you to recognize and remember your Father - your Source and Foundation. But only as you are freely willing to accept. God is not coercive upon Creation and THAT is something Jesus embodies as a wayshower - not an idol. Nothing I write here has any authority over the free willing discernment of YOUR heart's choosing. Nothing anyone says or does has such authority - unless your word establishes it so. Why give power and worthship unto idols when you Are the Beloved Son in whom Creation Itself delights? To make idol of Jesus is to deny him in yourself while professing him through a mask darkly.