
Scripted limitation

The above linked article was in a news site - but did not feel a news article - indeed it felt chaotic and unstructured or rather seeking to make structures that I might call trying to put new wine in old bottles.

I do not write because I know something; I write because I feel the prompt of a willingness to listen. In this case I felt an impulse and wrote the following to it:


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That an experience of limitation can be had is evident. That one is ever IN it is questionable. The mechanism or device in consciousness whereby to embody the physical experience contains within itself the liability or propensity for a negative loop of 'trapped identity' in a body - and in a private mind generally presumed to be in your head. The wish to assert private agenda in place of shared Creation can only generate a distorted experience OF Creation in which a Unified Will is hidden by the conflicted 'wills' of a split minded wish.

The world of 'powers' is blindly programmed by a fear that THINKS itself a power over others and suffers that power upon itself.

To 'escape' a battlefield one is not really in, is to pause and accept that all the characters in your dream are part of your script - as you provide a character role to others in their scripting. beneath the level of the character in act is the mind of scriptmaker. Beneath the mind of scriptmaker is the wish to be what you are not -  operating the distortion of your current appreciation of wholeness of being.

The character cannot appreciate excepting as the script dictates - and then only partially and fleetingly as part of a restatement of getting and losing. Owning the fear that makes the script is to face fear and recognize the beliefs that make the script as untrue. This releases them from the scrip and allows a truing up through the spontaneous correction of Unified will - that to the mind in its experience of a world is the operation of active willingness rather than wilful assertion. Willingness is undefended unto one's being. Unconflicted thought word and deed shines of itself into the mind that believes itself legion and extends the invitation and remembrance of a true freedom in place of a falsely framed set of choices designed as the denial OF Freedom. There Is no private individual freedom to be had. The idea of a withheld and uncommunicative mind IS the idea of tyranny.

The freedom to deny freedom is not the freedom to become what you are not. If the choice for Life is in you who ARE Life, then freedom remains your nature and condition HOWSOEVER you choose to use it. By segregating the mind in division of a judgemental rejection of wholeness that you alone shall rule, you have identified with WHAT YOU ARE NOT, and giving it the power that you ARE. All of this is kept hidden as your 'unconscious mind' while you split identify in the illusion of power as your conscious self and your scriptmaking and the assertion of the wish as unconscious self.

The script is a script for awakening all minds because it initiated the perception of fragmentation and disconnection of all minds from One. When fear is swept from the template or script level, your part serves the whole in freedom and appreciation. Being true unto your Self is the releasing of the wish to be coercive upon your Life - no matter how complex or subtly crafted are the mechanisms of 'justification'. Your Being needs no justification to be and share itself perfectly. But we need to be reminded of Who and What Life - including our own expression - truly IS. The thinking of the world will never give this for it was made to hide it.

Where you put your attention seems dictated by circumstances beyond your control and so you seek more control. But that is the mind in reaction. Observe the mind of reaction and rest while it fades. Observe the mind of baiting and deceit and rest while it dissolves. Let the Movement of your true being re-Member and re-Mind you in peace of a wholeness of flow, of extending the gift of Life you are and share.