One cannot change what one does not first own. This might SEEM to say owning guilt - but guilt is an overlay applied to the dissonance of attempting to be what one is not. So to accept that the loss of peace has occurred enables asking, enquiring, looking and listening anew. Here is the movement of a current focus that is like 'wheels gripping the road', rather than a loss of power and control in a 'skid' of disconnected feelings and apparent meanings or self-judgments.
If one operates under ideas of what one is 'supposed to be or do or not be or not do', then one is conditioned to attempt to be less than you are and indeed to become what you are not.
Releasing the 'should' of guilt' in oneself is the same as releasing it of another. There is no difference. Whatever one's brother does or says is his or her freedom to choose to experience and yet can be related to from a true or whole and unconflicted perspective, or from judgements that say more about one's own conditioning than about the other. One is not in a position to judge another and truly one is not in a position to judge one's self.
Giving true witness reflects the focus of a true appreciation or enquiry. How that manifests is secondary to that your presence is extended as an expression of a unified will - and not as a projection of the idea of a separate one seeking to put Humpty together again.
To reject any part of ourself is to un-own our Self - to make an 'un-known' of `self and identify within the act of rejection or judgement and thus protect it against truly knowing anything. Thus one 'operates' within a 'world' of beliefs in a war of powers in which opposition and resistance to a true will seem meaningful, desirable power of protection or influence, and powerful in an of themselves.
A willingness to release judgement is also the willingness to own one's own fears, thoughts and beliefs that have played their part in generating the experience that seems to have violated or taken away one's peace. It is like putting down a sword of division and yielding to the movement of the hearts' true knowing - also known as honesty and humility in an acknowledgement of a wholeness of which one has forgotten but desires to be restored to.
If we pursue a focus that is NOT extending our true presence, then that will interfere with the awareness of naturally fulfilling our true function - which is not OTHER than BEING OURSELVES.
The qualities innate to being true are all known and shared in peace and joy.
But the gift shares as and to a willingness - free of coercive assertion.
Trying to hide and protect the separation as if it can be a means to safety is exhausting and doesn't work. Owning what is ours as a choice brings it to the light of a true awareness in which what is NOT ours is released, nothinged or clearly seen without confusion, and what is Ours is recognized in its true and Living context. Nothing Real is threatened. But the belief in fear and loss is to be honoured as a choice that one no longer desires to animate or embody or share.
When we seek to kill the messenger, we attack thought - and this is meaningless and absurd. Thoughts that don't belong are like radio stations one is not tuning into. If one is tuning into what one says one does NOT want it is because one DOES want it! - but the underlying beliefs involved are hidden or dis-owned. Being shown the truth of the way we hurt ourself is being given a choice not to do it again - and again. If the hurt were merely taken away, your very foundation of creative being would be taken away with it - and this is also absurd, impossible and a kind of thinking unworthy of your Free and Holy Being. It takes time to release and change habit - but it takes a moments willingness to be renewed in purpose. Being on purpose is inherently connected to, and extending of, Source.
Conflicted purposes of a divided mind result in a world-experience unlike Source. The guide to getting nowhere yields to the Guide for reintegration and peace.
As it be thy will.