Our sense of time is a function of consciousness.
Consciousness of time is an activity that is constantly flitting about. Comparing moments, anticipating and recalling future and past. It all happens so fast that we don't notice it is a construct - which has become second nature to us - a sort of default program running..
But our First Nature is not time bound - for the Spark of Eternity is the Light by which our true mind is lit.
The second nature grew out of the desire to judge good and evil. It is false - for it seeks to determine all things for itself without the Intimacy of God in which Truth is simply revealed.
In order to maintain its sense of separation from God, the mind has to deny its own Source and true nature. Not verbally - but by means of imagination, dissociation, distraction and deceit. To maintain this sense of self and world - as a judging and separated mind in a body - requires a constant vigilance in its defence or protection. But the experience is one of depletion and degradation - such as is depicted in the Bible story of the Prodigal Son.
The personal identity of the would-be separating Son inevitably breaks down - or becomes meaningless despite the investment in the meanings by which it is acted out. As it breaks down, Light dawns. The light of Truth.
We experience the Light of Spirit either through our willingness - or through our resistance.
Through resistance we make the experience of fear, in which we become lost and desperate - running ever faster to escape ourselves as we fear ourselves to be. This is 666; the busyness that never opens into to the Seventh Day in which "Behold - and it is very Good". For such Is our Divine function, to see the presence of love and thereby to be the presence of love extending.
Through our willingness we experience the Light as a flowing present - in which all things take their rightful place - not by the act of human thought - but in the allowing of Truth to Be Itself.
The speed up is a sign of awakening. The awakening begins as a willingness to listen, to ask, to accept and to serve.
The last judgement is That which undoes the mind of judgement:
"Behold my Beloved Son, Whom is My delight!"
Think not this is addressed to only Jesus. Jesus Knew the Father in and through the Son - and calls us awaken likewise. But think neither that it is addressed to the self you make apart and in secret. That which Hears is one with our Holy Spirit, held in trust while seeming to squander our inheritance in journeying away from our heart’s true Home.
Be still of engaging conflicted thought and Know.
When time falls away, Eternity stands forth as the Always.
Our thought and language do not reach beyond our limiting and limited belief and perception.
But God's Language is Creation Infinite and Universal - and His Intimate Inclusion has not been broken, despoiled or at all changed by the mind of forgetfulness and fear. But such a will must be recognised as what it is - and laid aside - or you will use it and believe all that it tells you.
Jesus shows the way. Not in being sacrificed by God or by others - but in freely following the Holy Spirit's Direction; the Voice for God - found in the heart by going within in trust.
The fruits of the Spirit are the Gift of God. "Behold I make all things new!"
This is the undoing of time and death.
Now seems to almost disappear in a seamless and linear timeline of experiences in the world.
Yet now expands to become the edgeless Movement of the very Mind of God in the acceptance of God as First and Only.
What does this mean but that we make our own mind up in self image and defend it against truth by giving it priority? It is time to wake up to this and stop.
All are called, but few choose to listen. But all are called and all will choose to listen.
For none can abide or withstand the truth - and we shall be undone of self-illusion.
The Spirit of God is One. And his Thoughts are Like Him in kind and in nature.
This might seem to condemn the divided mind - but that is yet another thought of judgement and thus further deceit.
Judge not - stop using the mind to divide and rule. It cuts you from your true Life - which waits your welcome where you left it.
Let the mind that was in Christ Jesus - the Holy Spirit - be your discernment.
Be the willingness that gives welcome - and keeps not resistance hidden as protection of sin. But let it be known as it is and thus be seen truly - and healed.
These things are coming to pass within the mind that yet sleeps and remembers not.
But look not to another time or a time soon. Look to the now of time - and let your willingness find you in the nick of time.
For joy and love shared - in peace - Is your salvation.
The mind may seem to stray and forget. But it is to the Living Truth in You that He says "Go in peace and sin no more".
Go with your Holy Spirit and without the thoughts of confusion and conflict. For such is the way of peace
Look to where you set your treasure - for by this choice do you set all else true or false.
In Peace