I smile to read you in a playful poesy.
Words can feed dictums, dogmas and downright lies.
The light of the projector rises through the film to shift attention from the movie plot of projected identifications to the awakening of the light itself. A clarity perfect, inclusive and all pervading, the very light of perfect love - whose modification as hues and forms through the prism of its own thought in no way changes the light or the nature of love.
A game is a game while playing is a joy - but when one tires of the game it is to be cast aside, let go, move on. The game of becoming a someone is a game of hide, and seek.
The idea is not to never get found. The idea is not to seek forever.
The idea is to play together. Expressing the togetherness of love in play.
Togetherness is not many.
When the children hurt themselves, they return to their parent and be held.
They are righted of their fears of wayward fancy and are restored to be-hold.
Mind is creative.
True creation is aligned with the Father's Light.
The Light and Nature of the First.
One without a second.
The Son is the Father's love and not a thing apart.
The Movement of "I Am That I Am" is no lonely ghost.
The veil of self apart is to be transcended - in place.
You cant let go of that which you are trying to become or overcome!
True love awakens the mind from its distractions.
At first it is as if the dream becomes perfect.
But then the light within knows itself anew,
in the always ever new.
Words fall off the page
meanings dissolve in laughter
there's no one here to catch them
Too close to love, nowhere else to be from which to speak.
Let all be as it is, and unsaid, let all be revealed.
Presentations as empty forms
a veil of surface perceptions
is it a smudge around the edges of clear light?
Be careful if you pick it up again.
A world in which 'a someone' is defined,
confined, and who has lost the light of Mind
for fragmented forms as fear makes blind.
Put the weapon down!
Be moved and move from being.
pass by the habit of self.
Let the love play of our shared Will
forget, neglect and cease to expect,
an external will to witness to You.