
Do you live or do you dream of life?

The seeker of truth is not Awake - or he would not seek.

He is not identifying with life directly - but mythologically. Does he or did he ever really exist in the terms that he presumes to be his self? - No - but belief and identification are really given to the images, definitions and ideas.

Truth is not subject to opinions, theories, philosophical ideas or concepts - that can be woven to clothe insight or to simply express wishful thinking - and taken as if they had potency in themselves. They have only  - but not less than - all power given them by belief and desire.

Holy Spirit uses the contents of your mind to awaken you to that you Are Mind. None of the contents are in themselves truth - though they can be sorted and purified by the Holy Spirit to reflect and serve truth.
As Mind - you are not independent, nor differentiated exclusively. You could say you were in a state of radiant openness that has not collapsed into an identification of form. This does not cease to be so when your attention does become distracted by desire, differentiation and form.

But trying to talk this into realisation is absurd because the talking mind wants to understand everything in its terms. To engage in talking as if we could define and determine truth is to persist in blocking the movement of truth from our own awareness.

The primary desire of the truth moving in us and as us is to "Know Thy Self".

That is why we "do nothing" and let God.

If all that you think you are seems to compel your attention to collapse or withdraw 'self protectively' - you may find that "doing nothing" is the faith and willingness whose practice burns out the identification patterns of a private will.