
The Now of you be-ing

Your 'Now' is the feedback to your desire.

If in this Now, your desire is single, whole and pure, you will ONLY know all things through the Spirit that Moves you.

If you find a split mind then that will give you a polarized experience of a conflicted nature.

The only whole desire is love and love is always already awake.

For it knows all things within itself.

False desires are of a love of power, that sees all things without itself and outside itself. For in wanting power for oneself alone creates a sense of lack and separateness from all.

It seeks to dispossess itself of truth, that it may possess its fantasy.

The way of awakening reverses the way of reversal - but by releasing, undoing and acceptance - and not by asserting further self will.

Service is the release of self will. Serve love by bringing attention present for something not of your making and not of your will.

The answer is where the problem is - or it would not be the answer. Do not use the promise of an answer to shortcut the opening of your mind to the feedback of your now - or you wait forever un receiving.

The arena of helplessness, inadequacy, need and incapacity - is the condition in which you bring the Divine forth by your single unequivocal call.

You do not need to seek such opportunity. They will be brought to you in context of your embracing life and discovering the blocks to love’s awareness.

In your communion with God, let there be no one outside, as someone or something else to use as distraction or protection from the love of your very being. To desire to save or serve others outside the love is to desire to usurp love of its home in you and through you.

Everyone is serving your awakening because they were judged or interpreted by you to serve a dream of self creation, and awakening rises when the self-creating is no longer forced upon your Now. Everyone is part of your awakening when they are no longer used for sin, for you have released your demand that they serve your will, let them be as they are, and appreciated them as they are.

But your Now does not leave you when you seem to have made it yours alone and lose your self in time.

It is disguised so as to be irrelevant to the distraction that has your fixated attention.

Wake up to what the mind makes for itself by deception and self image.

The desecration of the heart from the apparent attack on innocence is associated with a deeply intimate horror; guilt. But the companioned and communioned mind does not use this to mount further attack on itself.

For it has given its faith to the desire and welcome of peace and healing above all else.

To rest in truth accepted.

in Gratitude
