
2010-07-18 The dream

I commented on a question about interpreting a dream in which someone was being given hair extensions...

Trying to make sense of a dream may simply be a way of continuing in the extension of meaningless fantasy.
In other words there may be nothing to understand - as waking up reveals it to be unreal and insignificant.

When the Spirit speaks through a dream to bring attention present for a specific meaning to be accepted or acknowledged, the communication arises from within and may not even need to be thought on - but can be simply felt as blessing at a level that is peace in the heart.

Cutting off the hair can symbolize a release of the world and its lure of illusory powers to become a something in our own right. Hair extensions can be fun to dress up in - but if we get our sense of self validation from our appearance and from the response that we get from others - - we become trapped in a hollow mask.

Look at thoughts and see how much junk floats around.
It has been called the astral or lower astral plane. In rising beyond the gravity of a false and fixed interpretation, this is one of the first kinds of thought or 'experience' to pass by without getting involved with it.

It is also true that some make a path from dream interpretation as a window to the mind and the Spirit.  Dreams become a realm of communicating at a level prior to the surface aspects of the daily experience of life - which can engage attention so as to neglect the depth of our being.

There are many aspects of dreaming that apply to our so called waking state. The phrase ‘awakening’ means enlightenment - but also implies that the story of our experience - that we tend to take as reality - is a cover over - or distraction from - the reality that knows itself as it is.

The Holy Spirit is the Universal Teacher of Truth - through all or any agencies - because ultimately it is your own and only true mind. It’s vision and guidance is the reinterpretation of dreams - which are themselves already 'interpretations' made of images, thoughts and associations. If our identity is bound up in a lack of wholeness whose sense of lack is reinforced by interpreting from that presumption, then Holy Spirit will reinterpret so as to restore wholeness to our awareness.

Whichever paths we take, Holy Spirit Life will work with us and through us. The key is the desire and willingness to listen ongoingly - as our way of life. The paths that are not feeling and listening are no life at all and THAT is a correct understanding of the dream - for it has only the life that you, as dreamer, give it.

Your peace is you understanding - because your peace is beyond all understanding.
Understanding rests or stands under the knowing in quiet.
The attempt to understand outside of the flow of already communication - as a wilful demand - is like stirring the mud in a pool. All sorts of mud and detritus swirls around and seem to suggest all sorts of meanings relative to the original impulse - which persists as the stirring, by giving attention to and identification with - the stirred up stuff.
Yet in pausing, the mud settles of itself, the clarity restored of itself, and the realisation and responsibility of mind for its own inclusive wholeness - dawns - of itself.

In Peace
