The Matrix Revealed - The Nature of the Covert Op.
Denied denials operate without conscious recognition or acceptance. So denied hate is actively operating to block, undermine and overcome anything that triggers its imprinting of 'enemy'.
What we tend to regard and presume as self, is a controlled narrative - operating revolving door personae of archetypal imprinting as a script by which to rule or unify a warring self within concept and image of self - as a limiting condition upon overwhelming fear of chaos, pain, loss, and powerlessness or annihilation.
The matrix of total identification within such a self and world, is served by the desire NOT to know - and operated by asserting and enacting a narrative 'self-defining' presumption of knowing in place of a true receptivity to know.
Hatred, terror, rage, and heartbreak are all forcefully usurping a receptive quality of relational balance - while they operate beneath the mask of self righteous and self-justified non-surrender. For the most natural act to being is hated and feared by the (hateful and fearful) intensity of self-survival in narrative terms.
The defence DOES what it claims to protect FROM.
The attempt to escape from an 'impossible situation' reinforces the belief in the reality of the narrative definition - and the survival in such terms becomes the 'rightness' over and against a need and desire to 'see' the WRONG or evil, weakness, lie, plot, heresy, in the OTHER - and upon the WORLD from which one's presence is withheld unless specific conditions are met - in which case a conditional 'love' is allowed.
Everyone's world is a reflection of an inner relation and communication - and each play parts or roles in each other's reflected inner conflict.
You - the truth of You - is not defined or confined by definitions from WITHOUT - excepting through a desire to hide or present yourself in such terms.
Surrender is a term of subjection to an other. But yielding to true receptive-expressive of being is the undoing of the spell of point-of-view within struggle to prevail.
The addiction-aversion identity as 'point-of-view' as if it were individuality is a static sense of self; a refusal of transformational perspective that feeds of an apparently incontrovertible external sense of evil for it righteousness, whilst reinforcing the matrix or framework of self - and reality - definition by which it 'escapes' its own exposure. Exposure of falsehood to true communication and relationship is undoing and healing. But the refusal to surrender 'point-of-view' operates an authoritarian dictate while sacrificing and appealing to symbols of Life in place of yielding unto the Life that gifts Itself freely and unconditionally to your Will, informing and emBodying the Light of your Heart's desire. The reversal of the Life operates denial and denial of denial operates illusion of life.
'Waking up' to a realisation that what was taken as self was a lid or cover-story over denied and feared self - is an honesty of being regardless the symptoms of terror, rage, hate or heartbreak and the mess that they have made of a movement for love that CAN now be felt stirring within this honesty of being. Notice the urge to regain unconsciousness in the projection of denial OUTSIDE yourself. Is this the power that it seems to promise? Or is this the sacrifice of true power to a god of UNreality that can only operate hate to 'save itself' from the Call to Live?
We all have a part in victim-hood and we all have a part in perpetration of hate; we all have share in 'mind' as substitute for true Willing and emotional manipulation as substitute for true relationship.
A 'substitute reality' for true being is not 'DONE to us' against our will - though 'mind' interprets our life in such a framing as the basis of our asserted 'right' to do likewise. We do NOT KNOW our own will - for the 'mind' operates denial and substitution. That was the function we employ it to fulfil - excepting we release our subscription and investment in such UN-fulfilling futility - in willingness for our true feeling and honest desire to move through us - and so to us - as a recognition, appreciation and gratitude for existence - for awareness of freedom from that awakens freedom to be - truly moved. True is You are. Conforming to a denial script hides what fear says you are - but fear can not recognize or truly see, know or embrace You - spinning off to its own logical confusion. But You - in your totality are the capacity to embrace fear - for You are not a 'mind' as fear limits and defines in frailty and littleness. But of course your experience is reflecting your acceptance of yourself in relation to your world. But the term 'you' is relative here - for within the matrix of denied denial, love - or acceptance - has no currency.
omaz050959 says: (To the main article) :
It doesn’t have to be this way. Time we became the captain of our ships.
Mutineers and pirates consolidated to become the naval power of mercantile piracy writ large in global dominion and subjection. When Sovereignty is corrupted - each seeks its own plunder and pushes the other under - unless to use as an 'asset'.
So what is the nature of our purpose, each, by which to navigate by wind and tidings?
Wonder or plunder?
The matrix of the model of reality as operating at large reveals plunder by its wasteland and misery. Blaming THEM buys time in which to persist the self-same collective denial we 'love' to say we hate - whist in secret, perpetuate.
However, in joining with you I can say that no one else has the power to live your life for you - though you have and are the power to deny your power by 'seeing' it in others and in your world. Bringing this choice to light is not trying to force an outcome - but illuminating the true nature of what is being chosen between. There cant really be a war between truth and illusion. Illusion battles only with itself. Freedom is a choice-less choice - but a falsely framed freedom must first have chosen to accept the framing - for what it wants to explore or experience thereby.
However, once en-tranced, every attempt to escape binds the spell tighter. But know that the surface or 'waking' reality is not at cognizant of what is actually being drawn into focus. It was made to operate a denial or substitute reality - along with its undercurrent or subconscious agenda.