
Self-conformity drawn from relational construct

Collectivism and engineered perception
by Jon Rappoport

My commenting:

Before you extrapolate to 'group' consider the 'relationship'. As the concept of a relationship is NOT the relating or living communication being shared. So the concept of the group.
The collective expression of infinite individuality is a synchronicity - BUT the conformity or fitting into ideas of 'self' as derived from the 'couple' or the group, or society - is a construct.

While ultimately this conformity is life-denying - for a relationship is only as alive as the life being brought to it - and if a conformity to a consensus reality denies such life - there is a hollow automaton in substitution for life - BUT the capacity to learn to balance within relationship is the creative expression of it.

An un-relational 'individuality' may be psychopathic - if 'otherness' has never been recognized as a gift of self-knowledge and acceptance or love.

Balancing the self, the other and Life is what Jesus points to in the two commandments ascribed to him but actually representing a core realisation. Life with an L being used for G-d because "God" has been so abused as a weapon and a masking of hidden and un-owned hate. Any form can be used to mask 'hidden' meanings.

The core foundation that embodies Sanity is not manufactured by any act or thought or imagination - being Cause of the capacity to imagine, think and act. And so a false foundation is a false framing of true Cause - such as separation trauma with which we are all familiar - which is of course also the framework of 'mind-control' instead of mind-focusing freely.

Taking some of a Good Idea and going forth in righteousness is the getting of an identity AGAINST evil - and this is a deceit by which to hide fear and hate and yet mask it in the distortions of relationship and communication that then ensue.

You are your own Matrix!
But in your participation within deceit your in effect playing a kind of Pokeman Go! until you tire of it - for it can Never Be completed. How can you know if your are aligning truly or against your unique signature vibration of being - (your individuality)? By honestly feeling for dissonance in body, emotion and mind and noting what such dissonance is symptomatic of. But you can only be and grow the current level of integrity you have available to where you are at - by living From and As it.

The exclusive identification in an imagination seared or scorched into your unconscious and subconscious by overwhelming imbalance of terror and rage given Total Reality and therefore justification, is like a wound up spring that has set the complexity of the world of war... to operate a defence against knowing who you are.
Your Creation cannot be 're-Given' but you can release any other 'gift' you have given and so received so as to re-Member and be re-Minded. That Creation is Itself Creative is in the image of its Creator - for there is no limit of closed system upon the Infinite in Expression. Yet the idea of limits or closed off 'mind' is obviously a part of a much greater pallet through which to experience.

While negatively defined - the self is always seeking NOT to have certain experiences - or seeking other experience as a sense of power and protection from the hated or unwanted experience. But it is not enough to declare 'there is nothing wrong with me' while a core sense of dissonance operates to displace it onto 'Them' or 'others' or 'World'.

Lack of self-acceptance cannot but manifest as self-sabotaging thought and deed, or leak out as hatred in a cold and loveless 'analysis' of others - no matter what appeals its makes to 'reason' or 'love'.

Whatever your particular imprinted conditionings - and however they arose or came to be - they are the path through which to be restored to a free willingness. Not as 'something you have to do' - because your past is re-enacting itself in your day anyway, so being in the desire and awareness for the joys you otherwise discard - along with the rationalisations or beliefs by which you trash yourself or stay small so as to stay hidden, is a shift of focus away from the maintaining of your narrative continuity within the 'matrix' of a world deduced from fear, hate, rage and powerlessness.

There is no way to overcome the world - because it is not there to be overcome - unless you are creating that experience by buying into the belief. Ultimately the meanings you encounter are those that come forth from your own Word or definition - but one can only uncover what is ripe or ready to be uncovered and reintegrated.

Seekers think to find or add unto themselves. It is the opposite. be found, and be true founded in the capacity to abide in the true of you - even though the mind a -tempts to take over as a power unto itself. Put it down, rejoin the dance and leave it behind.

Of course this calls for the acceptance of true and the releasing of false. Where your heart is invested in the false, heartbreak is met. Rage is felt. But if you are free willing rather than will-denying - then this is where you allow the sting of hate to be given up as foundation for power that you do not want. That is why it is false. Because YOU do not want it and so it is not given power to run your life. Hence the uncovering to what Is your Life!