Grey said:
Interesting words…but is God’s love truly unconditional? Not according to scripture. There are things that our Creator expects from us, the “Thou shall not” list found in the ten commandments. How many bodies can one leave behind and still be forgiven by our Creator? Unconditional love? I don’t think so, unless our understanding (ancient Hebrews; Abraham) of Him is totally wrong.
There are many ways I can respond to that. But perhaps I will use Trauma and Healing to illustrate a point. Humanity experienced catastrophic trauma – a result of which was a sense of in some way having brought wrath or evil upon themselves – whatever way their minds went with it, the result is a deep Imprinting of Terror and Rage that conditioned our minds in such a sense of reality. The persona or tribe that seeks to survive and prevail – the survivors of Trauma who feel Chosen – are not open to the Idea of God as love – but to an Idea of Power that destroys and yet CAN save – if – you don’t step out of line.
While the individual imprint is evident in anyone’s experience of traumatic events as the splitting off of a fragment of thought in attempt to escape intolerable stress, the collective response carries the social organisations of giving rage power to use terror as a weapon over one’s own – as Notional Security ie: these acts and sacrifices are held necessary for the survival of the notional self/tribe/nation. This imprint has not evolved since it was burned into experience. Such is the mind born of fear – which is a false creation within the Mind created in God’s Likeness – ie: Creative Individuality.
If you want you can read the Commandments as implicit to abiding in true co-creativie resonance rather than as a social ordering. There is Nothing But God and worshipping imaged definitions of Indivisible Reality as if they are God will seem to make an Otherness and conflict within You – a sense of having got something at another’ expense, a sense of Other threatening to take it back; a sense of lack – in short the whole Fall or Separation experience.
“If you go there, a sense of un-reality will reverse the true with the false and you will hurt yourself in the attempt to reconcile them”.
Everything that is experienced is Felt in Consciousness and that is far far more than the tiny focus allowed a mind ‘inside’ a body and operating within the confines of its dictate. In that sense your whole life is already received as riches of a kind your thinking precludes from your appreciation – but unless you stop turning away from living relationship into the posture and imposture of asserted independence from the very Life that sustains you – you wont recognize the Life though it is all around you.
The translation of everything that SEEMS to be or have been, to an unqualified Acceptance in truth is a ‘Mercy’ beyond our understanding – but not our acceptance. The human conditioning is of a PAST made in anger imposed upon the presence as a present in terms of the past. That’s another way of saying we re-enact separation trauma over and over – without GETTING IT! – Without recognizing the distortion of the Creative and sweeping it out of the Template.
You may think that without guilt and fear – you or indeed society – would run off the rails and chaos would follow. That’s the nature of fear-based ‘control’ and it believes its own thought true. You can read Jesus as an Invitation to wake out of that sacrificial conditioning – for which there is no punishment – though all sense of ‘punishment’ is within its framing.
Or you can read it as proof and reinforcement of the idea of sacrifice of Love as ‘saving’ sinners to survive and prevail within a magical bubble that love will not violate.
The NEED to believe in, and hate and identify against evil, is not what I see in Jesus. He was very aware of the destructive effect of fear-deceits, and in the instant of recognizing a scam – he put it behind him while attending the Living. However, the nature of fear-deceit in our identity is such that I cant simply address this in words and change anything. I can only extend my witness to your willingness to wake out from deceit that MUST be operating if your sense of yourself and world is conflicted.
“How is it I am deceived?” If this is a genuine desire in your heart – then whether you call it prayer of not it will align you with the information you need in a timing and a manner you can accept – one step at a time – and in terms of Life – that expand or stretch your current definitions of communication and relationship – to let more Life in!
There is much revelation of deceit in the ‘ways of our world’ that is deeply disturbing to a sense of sanity, stability or continuity. To the manipulator, this works to unsettle and herd or farm an outcome. To the awakener is opens the way of uncovering the very self-same devices our own consciousness employs in maintaining a false or oppositional definition of sanity, stability and continuity upon the Life that is not allowed to embody and fruit in its true nature.
The idea of the Holy Spirit – is of your re-integrative recognition and acceptance to your Whole Original Mind – and as such is nothing more than your true signature quality – held in trust within you while your attention is engaged in a ‘divide and rule’ by which your ‘signal’ or channel of communication is adulterated, diluted, usurped, robbed, lost, lusted for and taken over by reversals of true desire that use your own power against yourself by unrecognized deceit.
If you want to be the one to send another, hell – then you will have to be the one to release yourself from what you establish in yourself by giving it. For what you give out is what you get back. As you sow so shall you reap. Garbage in, garbage out. The innate Nature and Law of Mind is unchangeable. Everything changes – but your experience of this unfolding Meaning is according to the gifts you accept and extend – for yours is such power – even to unfold a meaninglessness that is hateful to you. You can have what you choose – but unless you align with what you truly want – you wont know your own choice and wont know you can change it.
You have to OWN the ‘mistake’ of learning by experience so as to release it into a corrected perspective. That is how life works when you let it. Repentance in Jesus was not about sin – it was about IMMEDIATELY getting back on track and not looking back. The ‘world’ subverted that to be all about sin with the goal to be achieved in some future that NEVER comes. You do get that, don’t you. It never comes – and that is the deceit by which to SEEM ‘spiritual’ while bullshitting yourself – and of course trading a subverted ‘version’ of a simple effective understanding.
The Idea of G-d – “I Am, That I Am” was so Powerful and Awesome an Idea to the ancient Hebrew tradition that only the chief priest, on the day of the Holy of Holies, in the Holy Place at the back of the Holiest Temple – would utter the Name out loud!
Is that not the hiding of the “Holy Spirit” in a “safe place” from corruptions of the sinful sense of compulsive deceit? Is it not the hiding FROM the true by making it Special and Other – so as to protect the sinful or wrong-feeling sense of compulsive deceit while mitigating its payload of fear and guilt?
I am living in different times now – I feel this is the time to separate from that which separates us from our true Life – and not look back – or bind unto a mind of denial in the illusion of power that is blind to the power of illusion. I don’t feel to persuade anyone of what is not the Will. That didn’t work — it backfired! I do feel to illuminate the nature of the ‘choice’ as a current responsibility. For in a conscious awareness of the true nature of the choice – there is no choice but Life – and the ‘other’ falls off as meaningless and of no relevance or use. So you might see that the Framing of deceit is to divert attention to choices – all of which – maintain the lack of free awareness in which to SEE.
The loss of a true self-acceptance is the loss of HONESTY. It is your Foundation and no holy bullshit will substitute for the Real You. But in living the genuine presence of you – you can see that what is used as a mask of manipulation – has original true meaning. You don’t have to use the same terms – but you don’t have to give all such communications to the degraded use of them either.
The ‘Way to truth’ is as simple as answering the knock on the door. If you want a complex and painful process before you let it in – you can use time that way too. It’s up to you.
(Hang on I’m busy. Not now – cant you see I’m busy! In a minute – I have to sort this out first…. Another day – I’ve got a lot going on here! Go Away! I cant deal with this now! This is the last thing I need! Fuck off or I’ll call the police! Doctor, I have these symptoms that I cant get rid off… what? I have to take this for the rest of my life?).