Whoever it was that brashly asserted rights to freedom from any oppression of the state etc drew this response from me
More exactly - he (Trump - but that's beside the point) knowingly or unknowingly works for a subverted or captured state - that operates more like cancer than a true state of cooperative communication.
It never gets us anywhere to focus on personalities - nor on transhuman personalized concepts such as corporations or state and its agencies. The root of the sickness is deeper than the diversionary tactics thrown up to keep it hidden in perpetual conflict - that brings on death in more ways than is obvious within such conflictedness.
The denial of Life is so built into our mindset - that we are mostly not aware it operates through us. We feel 'right' or 'protected' in the assertion of power over Life - but don't see it that way - for we judge all that does not fit our concept of Life - our self Image - as something to deny, suppress, ignore, invalidate, kill, hate, and be shameful or hateful in.
There is Raw Life that is presencing Itself right where you/we are - but the mind operates on top of it and as a result has a false, fearful and guilt-ridden sense of Life. True Civilisation is awake to and in alignment and communication with what moves us Alive - not an imposed and directed narrative running as a 'matrix' of control managing a demand to protect from 'raw negatives'.
If you are forced to - or forcefully deprived of - ingesting food, drugs, medicine or toxins - then you decide how you are going to define and use that event as part of your experience of who you are... and who you are not.
The 'person' is not in control - and yet its attempt to control brings on the experience of being controlled. If we attract that into our life, it may be illuminating aspects of our own mind that we are blind to.