... In your view, Do you think humanity will ultimately be enslaved under a nightmarish, Orwellian technocratic world government? Or will we avert disaster?
We can all learn from noticing rather than reacting - even amidst the energetic of reaction. That seems a tall order - but there is no other hope I can offer humanity than to wake in place - amidst whatever is actually moving and own it. Not use it for blame - but open a self-acceptance in place of whatever thinking is invalidating you - regardless if it seems to be an 'others' it is still our own joining and acceptance of it that cuts us.
You are the unique expression of your own answer to this question.
What do you want? It is easy to say you don't want slavery and disaster while persisting to act in the ways that invite it. To say you are powerless and that you don't make any difference.
The trap is to let a fear of the negative become your working definition or driving force. If you are constantly focusing in and feeding the idea of want you DONT want then nothing of what your heart truly desires can reach you - and still less move you to act forth in your world in a way that can be genuinely met.
If there were both these realities splitting off from this timing - which bus are you currently on?
Make sure you are at one with your choices and then whatever unfolds will meet and reflect the true of you.