One of Jon's socio-political reflections brought this response from me:
Yes – I join with you. True meanings are capable of expansion and fluidity – because they are alive.
Discernment is the key. Jon talks of logic and imagination – but both of those operate from a premise which can be true or not. A fearful sense of self will operate a negative imagination – no less in disguising itself within positive spin. Discerning a true foundation is like feeling the ring of integrity or freedom from the smell of a manipulative intent. But we can only recognize integrity through our own – which includes the willingness to align with it from wherever we seem to be. Then we can meet situations and others and recognize in others without being addicted to outer identity forms. For it is not the form of a thing that communicates meaning but the wholeness of context in which the form takes its meaning. If I want to discern the meaning of anything I simply feel or listen within and what I need turns up because I didn’t believe it wouldn’t. I didn’t give energy to the fear that I would be denied or deceived – and so that imagination wast communicated to higher mind and used to invoke experience.
To know what I need to know, when I need to know it, allows desire to align whatever is needed. What is my desire? It is the movement of my being – or more exactly it is the resonance and relevance within the movement of being to who I feel and know myself to be. Which is more of a core signature vibration than any externally validated set of concepts, images or forms.
We lose our energetic sensitivity when we rely on short-cuts of outer recognition. But it isn’t at all LOST – it is simply the ingrained conditioning of trading in derivatives that have lost connection with the Worth – not least because in a world of symbols and symbols of symbols an inflated sense of worth can seem real as well as a sense of worthlessness when such bubbles are popped.
The lens of guilt and fear distorts perception – and inverts it – so as to make it the ’cause’ of the one who perceives – who is the dreamer of the dream regardless he struggles within the drama of it and rails at his fate. Pretending not to be fearful or guilt-conditioned only dons a spiritual disguise. But uncovering and owning fear and guilt feelings is the opportunity to choose differently – however – when they come to conscious awareness we are usually triggered to escape or avoid them ASAP and don’t realize that the grievance was an opportunity – especially if projecting out in grievance is our way not to own our own feelings – and feel somewhat righteous and relieved instead.