
If the world is real, all fear & suffering is real too

What we experience and believe as the world cannot be separated from the distortions of perception and conception.

I recall Raj’s metaphor of pushing a fist against a rubber sheet.
It seems to push back.
While the distortion is being applied the experience is one that has an undertone of dissonance.

The seeming entity that is inferred by the distortion is never an achiever or an actuality.
The immediate and actual recognition of the distorting force for what it actually is – (desire-judgement-exclusion) – allows the release of a mind loop that now makes no sense at all – it automatically falls off.

This is a mentality that sought to determine its own reality by judging all that it is as symbol – which are desired, hated, real, unreal etc.

Be glad indeed that we have no power to create Reality!
And that the power by which the self and world were made real is one that can simply be released.
And the ever true will stand obvious in a Light you can cover but not stop being.

The ‘unreality of the world’ does not constitute a negation of the beautiful, the good and the true – in you or I or any thing that is.
It is not a justification for non involvement in life - but a call to True Involvement.

But while we put our treasure out from us we see it as if it is out there.
In a realm of change that reflects thinking-perceiving apart from God.
And yet clinging only deprives us now and now.
Therefore Rejoice in the world in trust that the Real is always with you and its Guidance knows the way of Sanity.

The ego is identified as a dual self-world – they are one.
When a significant other leaves us our grounding mappings are untethered!
Because we use the world and all in it to validate and maintain what we call our self.
Their isn't an ego and a world or an ego in the world. It is a trick.
Exquisitely designed as a playground, a classroom, always serving the function You accept for it.
The world has always reflected the self.
You could say the World is Always reflecting Self.
But when it appears to reflect a separated self, it appears as a separated fragmented externality that seems to be attempting to separate you from your very life! Yet the ‘life’ to which we cling is a fenced off fragment of an indivisibility. Thus it is the belief in a fence to which we cling. Which at root is the preference given to the dream of independent authorship.

Know Thy Self is an inevitability. It is absolutely the law.
To know thy self image is to be attempting to not know Thy Self.
You can push at a rubber sheet and it distorts,
A distorted lens gives a distorted image.
The attempt to separate cannot succeed. But it can be given considerable – if not total – belief.
The judgement upon the self-image is a further step where the force of Light and Love is unconsciously harnessed to drive and maintain the belief. This level has to be undone of its mask. For it is here that the world is experienced as a fearsome and seemingly undeniable density.
This is the reflection of maintained and justified guilt.
Here be dragons and monsters.
And knights and fights and all the self righteous thrill of the chase.
The dread terror of being stalked.
The monsters to which we sacrifice our youth and vitality to cling to the known.
The possessions that increasingly possess.
The civil veneer that is a flimsy bulwark against the barbarian hordes.

Its all an inside job.
Played upon a Big Screen.

The process of the separating mind is like a virus. Self replicating.
Go forth and multply!
This is the law.
Except that the uncreative ‘goes’ into self illusion and depreciates.
Depletes, collapses, densifies, exhausts and undermines itself.

It believes in death as salvation and seeks to die a little in order to get what it wants.
So it forgoes more and more of itself to maintain its grip.

It isn't just a bodyminded one that gets old. The world gets old.
‘Born of the one light, Eden saw play’.
Yet the Revelation of God is summarised thus:
“Behold! I make all things new!”

Innocent of the past.
Unmindful of future.
There is an always.
That can be overlooked.
But cannot lose you.

Because it is your truth
it can truly reach wherever you think you are.
Because you have used truth as illusion and illusion as truth you cannot tell apart without asking of the one who is with you now.
The desire to be restored to sanity must be the willingness to lay the mind down.
Such a willingness can be discovered.
Because the desire for insanity fades or falls away.

The will to wake yourself up is only true if it expresses the will of the Father who gives your will to you.

The scribe is a nothing but a symbol of willingness. Yes.

Does such a trust in love get one into deep water?

Only when the mind that I am releasing seizes me unaware and I let it think as if it were Me!

in Love's blessing