The one who wishes to be liberated is the mind that can and must be understood as a belief in entrapment. The awake do not wish to be liberated – they extend liberation because they are freedom to be.
The mind that demands distraction and displacement is not in essence changed by its acts – it loses Self Remembrance while it dissociates. Being as if not this actuality, is thinking, experienced in freedom to be.
If there is a choice it is always and only made this instant.
Click them fingers by letting God click them As this very Instant of Experience! Not an experience over and against an experiencer – but the instant of being – as this. as this.
Choice is between. As long as there seems to be between then there will seem to be choice. But in honesty there is only the ‘choice’ to accept or deny the love that is now. And only by the power of love can love be denied. There is a limit to the capacity to deny what is. It breaks down because it is not Creative, Eternal or True. When it breaks down, what is True simply is revealed as is. Perhaps love is a limitation - but in love is Life given without withholding. We are not children of a withholding Source. That is a picture in the mind.
Truth is not revealed to a thinker - though thinking may return after the break in ego-signal. In any interruption to the continuity of ego scripting Truth is revealed where you are. All expressions of love are maximal. And in terms of our structures of meaning we may have the trace experience of this totality in terms and language that is relevant and acceptable to us in our current sense of identity and yet furthers the process that supports the breakdown of the machine-self as a loving re-emergence amidst an insanity. Until the insanity is clearly recognised and rendered impotent or meaningless.
‘You cant be totally committed sometimes’. - ACIM
So your total commitment is the Fact of your Holy Spirit Mind. the ego illusion is not fact. It can seem real. It cant be real. So you cant really do it or be it – you can only wish it and experience it imaginatively. And that imagined self cannot do or be anything of its own. It is a scripted play.
There can be thinking, and there can be thinking I am the thinker of thoughts but that’s all only thinking. There isn't really a thinker and there isn't anyone to have to do or not do anything to wake up.
Waking up is not something that can exist in the future. There really isn't the one we think we are to make or not make decisions that do or don't allow or forbid the Truth. Because that is a ploy in a story that plays to a wish to see truth like this or like that. Who wishes this?
The moment of current attention that is giving it value. That is all.
This is not in my mind – as I might think ‘I’. But it is the only mind there is – and by it is awareness known
Becoming honest about the use to which we put our mind is a step of allowing truth to shine on whatever thoughts are enjoined.
The notion that there is anything to lose from truth is fear – not fact.
In any instance where truth has been chosen over fear the actuality does not support the fear.
There is no fear in perfect love. This is what you are as Creation - or are forgetting in miscreation.
Fear has the capacity to block awareness of Self- because that is its given function. The split mind is fearful. To heal the split undoes fear.
There is no one who can wake up – that’s just thinking.
Waking up is a symbol as it is placed in time. It is as useful as the use to which it is put.
An alarm clock makes a good jackhammer drill to a dreaming mind.
Concerted intentional guided seeking is necessary to exhaust the seeker. Variable and conflicting goals play out a strategy to preserve a sense of promise where none can be found excepting a sense of achievement expressed as delay. A set of brakes.
The thoughts that emanate from the truth are loving thoughts for they do not serve a self or other apart. They witness to a self-with that has had to be constantly blanked and denied, now and now – in order to think the scripts of separation.
The world we see can not actually be the separation it can only be the reality that is our mind unrecognised in Mind, while a machination runs its course until it is noticed, accepted and released.
What is left if the machination is utterly undone? – why Life! - in all its qualities of form and colour and play without the drag of ‘me and mine’ interposing and effectively denying the appreciation of What Life is – right here now.
But not the ‘life’ of a bodybag with a brain subordinated to a wilfulness that locks onto form and inexorably kills itself over and over. Life is what is calling all who thought they chose the lifeless and made it real - home.
Every opening will seem to be at some point lost or covered by a closing. It is not useful to think how much is there of a habit to undo, in order to regain or get to somewhere.
This is the thinking that cuts the present life and puts it as if in the future - after the problem is solved.
When the ups are not exulted in and the downs are not indulged the evenness of mind that is a depth below the superficial stands forth. It was there anyway but now the activity of thinking isn't the pet project that dominates and seesaws.
I might insist I am as full of shit as anyone else. It is a lie. But it is offered in love as a temporary relief from a periodically unbearable light of innocence that undoes the beliefs by which mind attempts to secure in fear.
It is not difficult : it is impossible! – therefore there is the call to transcend such definitions in holding the willingness that there be a way and that it is discoverable now. A way to be with. One step at a time.
I thought I was climbing a steep place alone – but it was a dance with you!
Nothing is more dangerous to a mind’s joyful participation than truths to which it holds more dear than Truth.
It remains true that the use to which they are put is in the mind within you, the mind within me.
Desire not a hidey hole for that which undermines sharing all that is beautiful, good and true by painting a picture of a me that is not as God reveals to me that I am – even though it is a burden I have long cherished. It has always only kept me from the appreciation of God – not my idea God – but from Being before and beyond the world and time and thought. From Light that has no end or limit or circumference.
These words are unspeakable. Let it be said straight from the One that speaks all things true and who alone is truly heard.
In Peace