I shout my holiness by appreciating yours.
I appreciate yours by being safe, rested in and welcoming of, the recognition of your presence.
I am blessed to be in your company because you are.
The truth that you are is Always and Already perfect.
Your truth shines with the light of my own.
There is no life outside Heaven.
The mind can make up stories from a sense of giving out roles based on definitions, that take forms based on judgements - and give them my own meanings - to which I then become identified with and defensive of - over and against very Life.
If the mind does this - and I follow it - then while I engage it, I become ignorant of You, of Light and of Love. A world external arises as a projected mind-screen where the allegiance of being, is given to stories played out in masquerade.
The mind-in-form has momentum, but it is not the originator of desire. It is not the movement of desire - but is rather the mechanical playing out of old desire. Desire moves toward fulfilment. Yet fantasy of self will is only the fulfilment of the desire to engage fantasy and cannot actually fulfill you. Your function is to be the fulfilment of love; the recognition and appreciation of all that You Are - in all that you are.
Yet while the story of your self as identified in form attracts and engages your attention and identification, you are depriving yourself of the peace and light and holiness that is the Nature of Being - and deprivation is not your desire.
While judgement seems to cut the Creation of God into a million pieces and set them at war, the truth of you shines radiant but unrecognized. Yet as your willingness for war is let go, the signs and wonders begin to find your attention - and lead your attention to rest in life as is.
As is - is Life.
As you say it is - is your story and script.
What you have made up has your love - but is not the loving.
Let it be brought to love so that it ceases to work for guilt, but instead is used for Life's remembering.
The mind that can conceive of guilt cannot know holiness - for that mind is ignorance embodied.
Yet by that which is brought to love, light or truth is released of its urge to possess in secret.
And opens the acceptance of the mind that was also in Christ Jesus.
That, before Abraham was, Is.
Your God is not outside you, but in story are you experiencing all that God Is - as if you are outside God.
The prodigal son is not only to be understood as a leaving that becomes a returning - but to awaken to that of the mind that is always attempting to possess in secret - or judge - and thus orphan itself of its own living.
For the mind that seeks to create itself, seeks a substitute for love - and thinks it is about to find it in every glimpse of truth that it can steal from you. Its house is as a den of thieves -but the House of your Holiness recognises that all things eternally abide in and are expression of truth - and that you have done nothing.
This is simply true - but the desire to dally in the wish to make the truth - is no idle thought.
It is time to put such fancies away - for the capacity to engage them is not supported by the movement of your desire.
And to war against your true desire is the way of pain, of guilt, of utter isolation and futility.
Look then to what you are doing with your attention - and if it is in the way of peace - give thanks and be renewed.
If it is forgetful of peace, pause. Find your willingness and live from there.
If there is fear and resistance. Rest of your thoughts and listen for the guidance that knows your heart's need.
It will come as you forget to guard too heavily against it.
It cannot come while you take sole control.
But is always and already here as Soul guidance.
By your willingness to listen, to learn and to do, you teach yourself by demonstration that love is freely accepted and shared.
For while you believe it in any way separate from you, it will seem to call for sacrifice; you will interpret against your own Life.
Ask not for how a miracle can be so - but ask that you become willing to be moved beyond your own self-definitions
I wrote this in willingness and trust