
The Life is First - without a second

This consideration arose from reading a discussion about the chicken and egg - not just as philosophical conundrum, but in terms of considering the perceptions and experiences of life as a process of  becoming in terms of an apprehension of Life as the IS.

The dream is a matter of taking thoughts about the Life as real and letting them give rise to a sense of self that experiences them.
This is the Thoughtlessness of a self in image. For it must needs ignore direct reality to play out the drama of self.

Reality is Living Idea - but not an idea removed from something else or about something else.
And the Idea or Thought is infinite, unbounded and timeless.

The mind that wants its own thought - and uses its thought to determine reality - derives questions based on its acceptance of false premises, that assert the division and limitation of Eternal Being. They thus seek to trade definitions as acceptable currency - which is how the separation experience is upheld. For thoughts about reality that are not accepted currency are no longer valid - and a direct apprehension of reality rises to awareness where the distraction fails.

In taking no thought for (any) self, the Thought of God; The Life, is beheld - as it is.
It is not beheld from a mind separate from its object of attention - for such a self-based intent is not asserted or validated.

Thoughts about the Life can also serve to allow distractive thought to cease, allowing knowing to be revealed.
Knowing is never attained, and remains always and absolutely beyond editing, owning or any process of the thinking-mind.
It may seem that there is a you that knows - but that is the afterwork of the ego overlay; using truth to feed and maintain illusion. The mind that seems to get truth for itself is the mind that robs you of appreciating truth now. While the loot has lustre, the dragon sleeps in its cave in its dreams of glory upon an unshared treasure.

The willingness to know calls awakening's purpose into play - because it now learns to seek and recognise The Life as it is - and begins to release the thought that would make it as it is not. To such a willingness the dream becomes the sign of awakening, the voice of awakening and the reflection of awakening.

This seems to take time simply because time is taken from the Timeless and treated as if it were in fact time.
In other words, the mind engaged in dream wishes to continue dreaming. Your will is done.

The mind in dream is like a bounded egg state of self-thought reflection. The process of restoring awareness at rest as natural Mind expression, is like to the story of egg. It is opened and sprouts or grows forth, reflecting in form an intimacy of relationship whose signature is divine.

The growing of the desire for life in the embryo. The development of unseen guidance where structure grows within to give pathways for life. The breaking of the shell. The guidance and support of the Mother Father. The recognition of the Environment in Original Being. The release of the possession-mind in Living Love and the giving of allness as both seed and fruit of all that is to Another as Thyself. The nurturing and protecting of the children of love as the extension of love's giving. The recognition of the local in the universal. The discarding of the sense of local or self will in Intimacy beyond difference.

But the liability with mapping anything of The Life - is that map substitutes for The Life.

So I prefer not to map - but in the moment of such living teaching - be brought to The Life - and then be free of the sign or thought or teaching that opened the moment to Living.

In Peace
