
What 'should' Christianity be? - a response

(What is the religion that Christianity"should be"? - in your opinion. I've been drawn to looking at this for several years now and am genuinely interested in others' serious viewpoints. Thanks.)
I read the above (on another forum) and felt to honour the questioner, and share what I wrote here also.

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Christianity is diverse, but is generally a religion made on and about Jesus.
This is opposite to Jesus' desire to awaken and share God's love as the very basis and nature and expression of life revealed. Yet some of it gets through - because a heart that is open in willingness and trust will be guided truly. Such is relationship with the Holy Spirit - that is felt within the stillness of your being as the guidance for truth.
It does not matter what name or whether you name this guidance - it desires only to restore you to truth; to peace; to God.

Human thinking believes it needs and has control - and may even believe that God gave it this power. It seeks to fit all things to its own plan and sees and hears only what its own beliefs dictate. It does not know what it does and suffers such a false reality until Light is accepted again into a mind that had sought to hide in the dark.

The acknowledgement and acceptance of Light is the remembering that we do not create ourselves - for the light of awareness is the Gift of Being. Not given in some past - but is the very Light of your be -ing now and always.

The mind of human judgement or 'Adam asleep' is like a lens that will limit and distort all that it sees - including the messages and teachings of love. Waking up must be a process of differentiating the guidance and gift of Light and its life - from the old mind of command and control in self seeking. So as to keep one and let the other go.
The desire to control this graceful awakening leads to paths and religions that seek but never find - and their power of witness declines because that which is truly found shines beyond the machinations of human cleverness - and touches others in ways that are directly felt. For truth communicates through our willingness to love. And only they can love who have been set free from every loveless intent - if only for a glimpse, one step at a time. The mind that seeks only for itself cannot save itself from its own isolation. Though such thoughts may be in our mind - the Light reveals that they are not truth - AND that we do NOT want them. Trust must replace fear - and guidance is given you in your will to let this be done through you.

Jesus offers the way of God through man such that deception is recognized and released and Christ embraced. This does not mean fighting it. It means NOT using it. Turn instead in faith to the Father within. Trusting through the love of truth that is the call by which you seek to be restored to peace and sanity.

Christianity is in part a witness to the mind that is still in the world - trying to make the world be what we would make it be. But it is in part also a witness to the recognition of God Love - and a movement of response in our heart to that Call.

The religion that remains the way and the truth and the life is unchanging in its living principle - but ever changing in its cultural expressions. We get locked in cultural expressions and unknowingly 'crucify the living truth' so as to remain safe in our delusions. Awakening to see this is not our damnation - but is the awakening to be changed in our heart and mind.

Jesus lived and shared love, honor and worth with all kinds of people - he did not regard himself as special or superior or fundamentally different in nature from his fellow men and women. He did not try to found institutions - but living relationships in which the Love of God is shared and its fruits known. He did not seek to undermine the institutions that gave order and law - but he did hold their authority above or beyond God's Law.
Jesus' religion is open to all - even if they have never heard of Jesus - because it is the religion of communion with God. To look within - is not the call to look in the world. There is none can come between you and God, But in your desire to be restored - 'even as a servant' in your Father's House - He will 'run to meet you on the road'. That is to say you will meet and find help in all sorts of ways. It may seem to be situations, events, teachings or relationships in the world - but through them is a discernible thread. I can feel it in your honest and direct question.

Now if you are wanting to see a religion that is active in the world as a witness and catalyst for peace and justice, you will have to see a way to put down the historical and cultural specialness that you would keep for yourself. For only by example can you teach. And as you teach, so shall you learn. Jesus looked on the Light in all - so be aware that Loving Vision sees truth and blesses what it sees by giving recognition.
If you wait for everyone else to get it - you continue to see them through the lens of judgement and are deceived. This is not to have truly heard the Call.

In Peace
