If you can see the ego writ large in the world of man - then maybe you are ready to let go of it being out there - or in your head.
But rather to see it in one mind.
What we choose to validate as experience - (of what we receive as thought and perception) - and what we thus choose to share into one mind - is a responsibility that cannot be escaped. Any more than Mind can be escaped.
The attempt to escape is expressed as 'the world and self' that we presume and trade, in separated (escaped) mode.
In true vision there can be nothing we would WANT to escape.
The mind of sin and guilt, is attack. The attack of mind on itself is excruciating - and expresses as every kind of pain of suffering, loss of love, and limitation through fear.
But mind cannot attack itself without first believing itself separate and in a head in a body in a time and place. Nor could it believe this without the wish to believe itself so.
If your thinking says - "well its all a game then!" - that may be so - BUT - one still suffers within the rules that have set up the game UNTIL the game is truly released. So the thought "it's all a game", is not the realisation - but is simply playing the same game some more.
Nothing can be released unless it is first recognised as being active. Nor can an act of self-will be released by an act of self-will.
To know again the mind of sin that you would keep hidden - so as to be undone of it - requires honesty and trust.
Love of truth has no ulterior motive or agenda. It does not seek to dissociate and displace - or get rid of itself. Love of truth rejoices in being one with - and this automatically extends because - whatever is the basis of your sense of value is the foundation of all that is seen.
In the mind of sin is a false Cause accepted and it is the cause of Fatherlessness or Sourcelessness. To see anything or anyone in such a false 'light' is to overlook the Wholeness that Gives all the Meaning that is present.
All that is needful to reverse the shift into the false is to give priority to the true - in the calm recognition that truth is not made or defined or analyzed into existence - but is one with and expresses through real relationship.
Cherish real relationships in any and every moment of noticing. Awareness grows as it is acknowledged.
The mind of war is literally trying to hide and kill itself; both.
Our own part in such an un-sane thought is undone in our accepting love in place of fear; awareness in place of thinking and perception.
Whatever the script of the 'world', it is interfaced and part of our own contribution.
So if a brother demands you masked - then he will mask you - for his will is done.
But if you awaken from the masks and roles of the script - you can let love use it as it will.
"Thy Will Be done".
This is the releasing of self-will for the grace and beauty and innocence of truth.
Jesus didn't suffer for us - but witnesses to life eternal - even from amidst the 'experience of suffering' - where we even so may wake to realise Truth and not be dictated by ignorance.
Focus only on suffering enough to break the spell of hiding. Then look beyond to the Light - where new vision is offered BECAUSE you released the old.
I wrote this in trust to convey some sketch or sense of a dimension to which the world is blind - and wilfully so. Yet you who read here are not the world - but are stirred and quickened in love.
in Love's blessing