2010-09-04 Rules and Law, Grace and favour
The Cause and Event of God is all there Is - beyond all good and evil - yet the rules of the mind of judgement apprehend not and see instead a world of separated things and people.
The mind that is full of its own will - or judgements asserted and defended - does not see, does not hear - and 'lives' out it's story as if it were real.
It is never the act at the level of form that matters - but the desire or movement of the heart. The prayer of the heart moves in us constantly - but if we do not be still of false desires, then we remain unaware of our own true desire.
Grace may open as it Will - but it is never coercion - you must in your heart accept. In accepting the Will of love - you must accept the way of laying down your will. For your will is the refusal of love in favour of a special partial love - that God knows not.
The true miracle is the love that inspires all miracles.
Because we think we already know what love is - we justify ourselves in thought.
But this is the way of forgetting.
The world and the self that seems within it - are the experience arising from the rules that we have in ignorance accepted as true - and believed to be protective of us. Miracle experience is witness to that the world is not Lord over you. But it is not the self-role within the dream that has dominion. Whether you recall it or not - you, as you may think yourself to be - entirely surrendered to and accepted the Will of God - if for but an instant.
There are no rules to love - how could there be? Love's law is our very being.
That is why - despite our preoccupations with what we think we are and what we think we are attaining or failing to attain - love rises up and witnesses to the law of being - which cannot be altogether covered over or replaced by the laws of judgement - or believing and thinking.
Yet our insistence in our 'self' and world dictates the laws by which we will accept healing - even though they have no reality apart from a wish the self they support be true.
Our Holy Spirit is that Awareness which is ever present throughout the entire process of identifying with and by judgement - and knows the step by step way of bringing the mind in confusion of many, back into the acceptance of the one light of truth. Therefore it seems to work in the world with us in our dream as if we are in the situation as we believe - because that is where it can regain our attention. But always to serve the learnings that wean us from the will and its judgements in a way that awakens and yet does not feed or reinforce the guilt and terror that set the mind in confusion.
Rules are imposed upon and are used to control. They are illegitimate because they are not expressing true authority - but are the result of struggle: the blind leading the blind. In this mode "the way things work" is a phrase that means tyranny, fear and death.
Law is discerned in the oneness or union of heart and mind. It can be wholly accepted in the heart as true for it is not made by man. In this mode "the way things work" is a phrase that acknowledges eternal peace. For the perspective of oneness is not engaged in struggle - but sees even this, as it is.
Oh I know! - the egoic thinking can take ANYTHING and make a guilt trip out of it. Maybe when we see it in the midst of our so called spirituality - we'll realize that our hiding place doesn't work - and that we do not want to hide.
The mind is always active and never stops. Because we miscreated - or believed fantasy was really true - we have come to fear our thoughts and the Power that Mind Is.
My sense is to let love undo the thoughts by which I hurt myself - and trust that the nature of Mind expresses itself without distortion.
In this way I am not concerned to become or demonstrate anything for myself - for that is the thought by which madness seems real. Rather I grow willingness to accept the relationship that holds all things sane and in which all things - in their season - bring fruit in a shared Light.